Can I make a replicator?
Can I make a replicator?
“It’s what’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner…”
Not sure. BooAy, maybe…
Nightmare on Elm Street. Don’t think I was quite 10 yet.
Let as many back as possible before shooting again?
Hundred bucks says that they resemble their username
If you have a small plastic tub, like for a small count of super worms. Cut a “ramp”, three sided cut, into the lid. Put food or water in the tub and bury in the substrate up to the lid. The ramps, I put two of them, in the lid should be short of the bottom so the new residents can’t just climb out.
I just got one too.
All pro athletes are younger than me. Except maybe a hockey player or two.
A lot of politicians come to mind, but the “Kid Rock shooting a bunch of beer” was a good one.
Like in a drum circle?
Trust me, it is equally frustrating for most Americans…or almost, anyway.
My neighbor passed away and a new family moved in. Talking with dad, I noticed he didn’t swear much. I said a handful of curse words the first few times we talked. I noticed he was a little put off. So I just made a conscious effort to not curse around him. Never apologized, just tried not to. Pretty sure he’s noticed and appreciates it.
They say he didn’t fall off of his bike,because he didn’t have any scrapes or scratches. So at some point he didn’t feel well and got off of his bike and sat down. Someone saw him fall over and a off duty officer, that was helping with traffic, started CPR. He died at the hospital. I was trying to find him with the Ironman app,and looking at Google maps. It got to a point where I thought that the Ironman app wasn’t working because his marker wasn’t moving,and I was getting frustrated. Had a spot picked out and just as we got there a nurse called me and told me what happened as far as they could explain. Still not sure what exactly happened because I wasn’t able to go to that meeting. And now I’m too afraid of bringing it up to those who were. It was just this past year in Madison. He was my older brother and he is the latest. My father, step-dad, one of my best friends, and now my brother. I have lost almost all of my father figures in 5 years. Having a large family is a blessing and a curse.
I was looking for a spot to watch my brother go by in his first Ironman while he was dieing at the hospital.
“Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!”
I just hope it doesn’t need some kind of crazy power supply, but that’s what I want. Any kind of food or drink whenever you like.