Currently learning German. I have another account on, But I haven’t used it in a while.
Oh hell yes. Barely know anything about him (just started reading Guards, Guards!) but yes.
Arnold Schwarzenegger. Or maybe Cyclops or Magneto if we’re allowed fictional characters. I think it would be funny
Thank you! That looks really interesting!
I’ve never thought about it like that before! Thanks for giving me a new way to look at my native language lol
Holy cow I can’t believe it. RIP
Instead of trying to parse the old stuff, could you just run something like borg and then delete the old copypaste backup? Or are there other files there that you need to go through? I ask because I went through a similar thing switching my backups from rsync to borg
Idk if this counts but the people who make Nettle’s sausage changed their recipe and now the sausage sucks
Aw drat. That sucks. Thanks for pointing that out
I’ve switched back to and I haven’t faced the issue yet. Must’ve been the instance then. Strange
“Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good”
Do you ever have moments where you type something to search into the address bar and you just get taken to the instance home page? That happens to me every now and then and I’m wondering if it’s the instance I’m using
I think this one is my favorite out of all the joke replies lol
Ah OK that makes more sense! Thank you for the clarification!
I’m loving it so far!