When you’re an out of towner looking for the nearest place to go and get coffee or use a public bathroom, reviews matter.
When you’re an out of towner looking for the nearest place to go and get coffee or use a public bathroom, reviews matter.
The sd card reader is cool too
Chainalysis is a cryptocurrency/blockchain investigation software, I at least know that much.
You could also just jump the fence to a high security building and nobody gets hurt, unless there’s barbed wire of course
sorry for long link
Nice to point out a public service, as their less likely to act in favor of whatever gets a sponsorship (even though they still do sponsors/ads to a degree)
So basically the shit-talker’s easy way out? I’m ashamed of, but not surprised, the fact that the Supreme Court was the one that came up with the coward’s way out to hate speech.
Snort might actually be a good real world application that stands to benefit from ML, so for security there’s some sort of hopefulness.
It isn’t exactly that we think everyone is evil, we just doubt that anyone with profits in mind is doing much, or any, good for humanity.
Similarly, in Spanish, Aleman means German, as such Alemania means Germany.
Doesn’t Vivaldi have built-in blockers?
Ad nauseum
*Not available in Iran
Sure try it, but keep in mind it won’t work for celiacs, and some folks won’t enjoy the extra starch leeching into their drink as it soaks
I agree the ‘tech-savvy’ phrase has outdone its use. We should use a better phrase, like ‘tech-indoctrinated’ or ‘tablet-fed’ to give a better perspective into these younger kids’ digital lifestyles.
I enjoy ‘galvanizing’ old abandoned chromebooks. If you find joy in simplicity, this is a great answer that will only cost abput $40US, but they struggle at video and audio, so basic web browsing and writing is about it.
Welp, reality just turned somehow worse than wargames somehow.
My point is that its one of their few offerings, and that they really aren’t even trying to be competitive when we all know they could and probably should.
Meanwhile, Texas Instruments offers an overpriced sbc that is less user friendly and probably loaded with security vulnerabilities since it was designed for IoT applications https://www.ti.com/tool/BEAGL-PLAY-SBC#supported-products
I second this