Install and run “btop”.
You could scroll down to the screenshots on the GitHub page, but I had a friend recommend btop to me and seeing it for the first time running on my own machine was an experience. Highly recommend.
Install and run “btop”.
You could scroll down to the screenshots on the GitHub page, but I had a friend recommend btop to me and seeing it for the first time running on my own machine was an experience. Highly recommend.
10 year old bug?
What are they talking about, that bug report is from 2014‽
… Fuck
One key problem with forced arbitration clauses is that company chooses and pays the “neutral” arbiter, who is inevitably biased against the consumer.
I was helping you there and asked you to back up configs and post some information.
Once you’ve done that I think actually getting things back the way they should be will go fine.
You know what’s easy though?
Not bypassing congress to sell arms to a country specifically for genocide. (Biden and Israel)
Democrats will break rules / norms, it’s just almost never for causes that help people.
He could have simply not done anything, and it would have been better.
If “Don’t go out of your way to support genocide.” is asking too much, then don’t be surprised when people aren’t excited to vote for your candidate.
Like me, that user wants to use ISO-8601 format for dates.
I didn’t see that option in the screenshot. Anyone know if that’s possible in this Beta?
Sorry again. I wrote this last comment (and this one, TBH) from my phone and “–iso=s” should have been “–iso-8601=s” . I’ve edited my comment and the command should now work (Making a backup of your grub.cfg containing the date, to the second, in the filename. I did that to hopefully avoid you running the same command again after trying some fixes and accidentally clobbering your backup).
Or you can recruit heavily in areas where folks are disadvantaged and have few options, dangling education in front of them in exchange for being willing to kill or die for you.
This is absolutely what we do in the U.S. and it’s abhorrent.
I guess what I want is for nobody to be so desperate for their basic needs that they feel compelled to kill and die in war.
And if we had a country that cared for all of its citizens and didn’t start wars of aggression, maybe more people would want to enlist as they have real values to protect and have a reasonable expectation that they won’t be committing atrocities?
Honestly not a criticism of you or your comment. Lot’s of people are advocating for the same thing; You just said it plainly.
…Anyway, this is all terrible and we absolutely can do better, starting with building community locally, mutual aid, protesting, and listening to marginalized and oppressed people’s.
Ahh, sorry.
For Fedora it looks like the default /etc/default/grub looks like this:
( Taken from https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/how-to-regenerate-etc-default-grub/72677/9 )
If you’re using LVM / LUKS you may need additional kernel parameters, like resume=… for suspend to disk to work properly.
Please, before doing anything else, post the output of the following:
cat /proc/cmdline
And make a backup of your existing grub.cfg with:
sudo cp /boot/grub2/grub.cfg /boot/grub2/grub.cfg-backup-$(date --iso-8601=s)
Also, be sure that you have a LiveUSB on hand. You don’t want to be SOL if we break something and can’t boot again without fixing it first.
What version of Ubuntu are you using?
What is the output of the following command?:
dpkg -l | grep grub
If you urgently want your grub menu to default to the first entry that can be done first, but unless that’s needed I’d prefer to get to the root of the problem(s) and get a proper fix.
Why do you have “Stormfront” under the parody Wikipedia globe?
(Literally just asking for clarification. It’s not obvious to me and I’d like to understand your intent.)
It the implication that Wikipedia is as bad as the infamous neo-nazi website Stormfront?
This should get you back to defaults:
sudo cp /usr/share/grub/default/grub /etc/default/grub && sudo update-grub
At some point you definitely did accidentally write to /etc/default/grub when you meant to write to /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
There’s no shame in that; Grub’s configuration process is very confusing and counter-intuitive.
Everybody who has used Linux long enough has stories of breaking their systems in sillier ways, and this didn’t even really break your system 🙂.
Pulseaudio used features of sound cards (most prominently the hardware read pointer) that ALSA/dmix alone never used.
ALSA/dmix could allow you to get the same power savings as pulseaudio if you set the hardware ring buffer size to, say, 2 seconds.
And that would be fine of you were just playing some music, but if you were also chatting and wanting to get prompt notification sounds they would always be delayed between 0 and 2 seconds depending on where the hardware read pointer happened to be when the system tried to play a notification sound.
ALSA/dmix could also allow you to set a tiny buffer size. Then your music would play, and your notification sounds would play promptly too. But if you were just playing music your CPU would never be able to go into the lower power sleep states because it would need to wake up every centisecond to service the tiny ring buffer.
That would kill your battery life.
Pulseaudio’s (terribly named) “glitch free” audio feature was the first solution for Linux that allowed you to get power savings and low-ish latency. Your mp3 player filled up the ring buffer once every two seconds, and if a notification came in pulseaudio would look at where the hardware read pointer was, take the contents of the buffer that was just about to be read, and mix the notification sound into it, writing the newly mixed sound data to the buffer just before the sound card read it.
So, from the user’s perspective nothing interesting seemed to happen, but they get better battery life and things like notifications or game sounds work like they expect them to.
ALSA drivers would commonly advertise support for accurately and precisely reporting the position of the hardware pointer, but since nothing actually used that info before, many drivers gave incorrect results, which would only cause problems when using pulseaudio.
My point is that focusing on length is missing the point.
That’s just the ad-hoc justification for their racist actions.
Most schools have absurd policies in writing that are never actually enforced, until someone decides it has suddenly become a-rule-so-important-we’ll-go-to-court-over-it .
Most of the time, when admin gets suddenly very focused on a rule like this, you’ll find there’s a marginalized student that they want to apply it to. But don’t bring race into this!
Just because you didn’t / don’t experience it doesn’t mean it’s uncommon.
This isn’t actually about the length of his hair.
It’s that Black natural / protective hair styles are seen by racists as being “disrespectful” and they even said why they have the policy.
Their list included many things, but only one of those was actually relevent here “respect for authority”.
Racist people and racist systems will always punish Blackness. This is just one specific example of a larger pattern.
Wubi will get you that Windows + Linux in the same partition achievement.
Multiple school officials in the U.S. have asked children to pee in front of them to prove that they’re “actually a boy”.
One principle literally kicked in the door of a highschool bathroom stall that a trans kid was actively using (to fucking pee / poop).
Genital inspections have been asked for (I hope not actually done) in children’s sports competitions.
This is really happening, and transphobic rhetoric is driving it.
Every woman friend I have would feel much safer being in a bathroom with a trans woman than with a trasphobe; Especially the butch lesbians.
This is a vulnerability which allows bypassing secure boot protections. You have already manually bypassed those protections by disabling secure boot.
Just keep “hollywood” running in another terminal at all times.