The coating on the inside of the tube can behave like a Leyden jar caps can accumulate charge over time even without an obvious power source.
The coating on the inside of the tube can behave like a Leyden jar caps can accumulate charge over time even without an obvious power source.
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Car engine injector cleaner and almost any add-it-yourself fuel additive.
I don’t know how valid this is, but I heard county and district councils use government bonds to secure more favourable loan terms. When Liz Truss upset the UK bond market the cost of borrowing rose as the value of their bond assets dropped. The county council where I live is now spending as much on servicing debt as it is on fixing roads. (Roads, although not the most important responsibility of local government, are a visible indicator of their capability.)
For me it’s good, let’s me leave emails on the server so my desktop can read them too. Let’s me reply below or above and compose in ascii. Doesn’t impose ways of working I don’t want.
I lived less than 2 miles from a coal power station (until they pulled it down). By the owners own admission, when it was running, it released about 60kg of radioactive material a year from stuff that was in the coal.
To some extent it is accurate. Only a finite amount of knowledge can be applied to a task and excess experience doesn’t bring any additional benefit on its own.