I just checked: there’s absolutely no problem with this one. And even better: it produces a lot of nectar for the European bees.
It’s quite common in the parks and gardens in the South of France, where it’s nicknamed “rince-bouteille” (bottle rincer). I didn’t know it came from Australia.
This news must be read in the French political context, where far-right ideas are corrupting the minds and islamophobia is the legal face of racism.
It’s also a way for the government to divide the left, accusing it to promote islamist terrorism (which is obviously a fake).
This is a loophole that the Minister of the Interior has been discovering and exploiting for months: he does something whose legality is highly questionable (like banning a demonstration), and by the time his decision is legally challenged and overturned, he’s got what he wanted and there are no legal consequences for him.
You’re right, the situation has deteriorated over the last 30 years.
But what I don’t agree with is the idea that it’s impossible to establish lasting peace in the region.
Otherwise, we have to accept that their only conceivable future is permanent conflict until genocide arrives. That’s morally unacceptable to me; we can’t settle for horror.
That’s not true.
In the 90’s, the Oslo Accords was a step forward between Israel (Yitzhak Rabin, and his opponent Shimon Peres) and Palestine Liberation Organization (Yasser Arafat) to find a way to live peacefully together.
They shared the Nobel Peace Prize for that. And it cost Yitzhak Rabin his life, as he was murdered by a far-right terrorist who wanted to stop the peace process.
Fig tree. Its smell instantly recalls me childhood memories, when I spent holidays in Corsica (an island in the Mediterranean sea).
Because the rich and powerful meat lobby wants to make life hell for their meat free competitors. The only logic here is money.
I destroyed an old, out of order chimney. I rebuilt a wooden formwork with an electric radiator which looks like a fireplace. Now, my SO and I are going to cover the formwork with mosaic tiles (she knows how to lay tiles, I’m going to learn to). After that, I’ll put wooden shelves on top, for books and geeky decorations.
Also, on the evening, I’m helping her sewing amigurimi toys, as she is a professional crochet craftswoman.
Before being an appetite suppressant, it is a medication for diabetes.
The problem is not the margin Novo Nordisk makes on an appetite suppressant, contrary to what the headline says.
The twofold problem is the margin on a diabetes drug, which weighs heavily on patients and health insurers around the world. And the potential supply problems for diabetics, when a vital drug is sold as a miracle weight-loss remedy.