What surprised you most about how it all played out?
What surprised you most about how it all played out?
Barjory Buffet: The Cruise Detective
Relisten-able because it has the highest joke per minute ratio and tightest comedic writing you’ll ever hear.
One part Beyond Belief, one part Wooden Overcoats, and one part Clue.
It balances nimbly crafted wit with camp absurdism, and the cast all nail the patter delivery. It has such a strong capable tone you know that you’re in safe hands and your time will be well spent.
Am happy to concede that I’m just a dumb dumb, but to say that I was confused by both what to do and how to do it would be a wild understatement.
Thanks for this
I’ll take a look, thanks
Apologies for lack of clarity. Currently the topper just rests upon the top of the bath, this plus some plastic sheeting affixed to the underside of the topper gives a decent protective seal from weather etc.
I’m thinking folding legs are necessary as the internal depth of the bath is only 43cm (16.9 inches) so if they don’t fold it would be rather short
For $1 MorePurpleMoreBetter gives you an incredible PDF that creates D&D character sheets in moments. Priceless.
Drawfee consistently churn out a lot of videos and streams each week so I have no issue tipping them
HBomberGuy donating the proceeds from his latest video exposing plagiarism, with +20M views and took months to research and create, to the people who were stolen from earns him a tip too
I wish you other kinds of human interaction today
I bought a hand spindle and some raw combed fleece…and I wish I knew how to use the hand spindle hahaha
Knitting needles.
Not only have they been essential in breaking the habit of reaching for my phone while I’m meant to be watching my TV/monitor, but I also end up with a practical, useful, personalised product at the end
Can I ask which one you use? I’ve heard such horror stories
Chekhov’s Compulsion
Sounds like you did a great job