@Krause Sure sure pick one point of all interconected ones. I also remember this news that would celebrate Russia victory https://web.archive.org/web/20220226051154/https://ria.ru/20220226/rossiya-1775162336.html so it’s not an Belarus + Russian as you claim. Heck there is this clown of the show https://v.redd.it/4cyvhkmvcjk81 digging old news is fun! But just right now I saw these news https://moldovamatters.substack.com/p/lukashenko-predicts-an-invasion-of . But suuuure it’s all Ukraine fault, because NAZI! Well good luck with this clown!
It’s not an insult but a way to show frustration without hurling insults.
So here in Russian like
Ёшкин кот
Блин (pancake) to not use Блядь (whore)
Мать твою за ногу
hmm that’s all that comes to mind unless going into really insulting words.
In romanian I know only “Du-te in pula” “Du-te in pula mea” which is Get Fucked, fuck off.