Mother’s Little Helper
Mother’s Little Helper
I was on a cave tour many years ago, and it was your typical screaming, squabbling, arguing, yelling, completely uncouth families.
Just as we were exiting the cave, I could tell that the guide sensed my frustration. I reached into my pocket, open my wallet and slipped him at 20 and just said my girlfriend and I are going to stay back for a while okay.
He nodded knowingly and slid the 20 into his pocket.
Anyways, the experience was spending an entire hour deep in a cave, in complete pitch blackness, without being able to hear a single sound. It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.
Oddly, cats often look at yawning as a relaxation cue. Creatures that yawn are not under stress, and a cat seeing you yawn can help regulate it’s mood
I buy citric acid powder and sprinkle it on things
I take it you did not read the article.
This is bullshit.
I was there, it was more like understanding that the internet was a new way to offer literally every service, and everyone was in a scramble to do that, but because nobody had ever built those things before, we really didn’t know how!
So much of what is taken for granted in today’s tech age was being cobbled together with love tape and bubblegum back then.
May I suggest a mortar and pestle, then you don’t have build up of contaminants in the burr, and blending of particulate from past grinds
deleted by creator
You’re wasting your breath. These people are smart enough to know that you can connect (hell, even to an ad-hoc network if you’re so f’king paranoid) once to FW update then hard-reset. These people are just being pissy. They also know that “IF dIsPLaY PIcTuRe No BUg PosSiBLe” are absolutely lying to themselves because they’re not actually that technically illiterate.
I hate it when people pretend to be dumb just to continually underscore a feeble point.
Smoke - Everything 1973 - (entry point 20m50s)
Kollectiv Live 1973 -
Vladimir Ussachevsky Electronic 1950 -
Missus Beastly - Dr Aftershave & The Mixed Pickles 1976 -
Pink Floyd Atom Heart Mother 1970 -
Ramsey Lewis Trio Live 1983 -
Herbie Hancock Cantaloupe Island Live 1991 -
Flying Luttenbachers - Fist Through Glass 1995 -
William Onyeabor - Let’s Fall in Love 1983 -
Manu Dibango - Zoom 2000 1972 -
Keith Jarrett Solo Concerts Bremen/Lausanne 1973 -
Agitation Free Live 1973 -
Tommy Guerrero - Road to Knowhere 2018 -
Exactly. Good music never ever goes where you expect and should always suspend the listener in a delightful unease.
I’m a non-musician that love jazz, fusion, prog, etc. What I need from music is human rhythm. I am revolted by Bach style mathematical fugues and so forth, they’re different… not music in the way my mind and heart thinks of music.
Facebook was a wonderful tool for me for quite a while. It let me build a digital list of my irl “friends” and then I got watch over the years as they posted their most vile and ill-conceived innermost thoughts.
An excellent tool for seeing what people really think and feel when they’re not “performing” in social settings. Curiously people don’t understand that public posts to a public SM site aren’t anonymous but there’s enough separation from the “real world” that lots of people forget that.
Just sitting back and watching gave me a lot of insight as to how awful people really are when they “feel like” they aren’t being watched.
I remember studying high school law around that time, and my recollection was that paraphernalia wasn’t illegal per se, which always struck me as odd. I could be misremembering though. If you find any retroactive clarification I’d love to know.
You nailed it but it wasn’t that the laws were more strict, it was that enforcement was more strict. Really it was just police arbitrarily enforcing laws that were not on the books.
I guess if you’re really want to get into it, it’s that Winnipeg had one of the most corrupt police forces in Canada until about two decades ago. Basically hells Angels in the police, ensuring that competition was kept to a minimum.
Cut to 3 hours later of you cherry-cheeked and emoting about in a puffy shirt lol
I love saying “alas, poor Yorick” as I hold the water pipe out to smoke it lol… I’m mentally trying to figure out these two pieces of crystal skull chalice, but damn that sounds cool too
No farmers, no (food) insane weed rockin’ the land
I mean obv no food either
Don’t listen to them, skin care is actually a scam.
Just get some sunflower oil and put it on your dry skin. That’s all you need.
Edit also, use the littlest amount of soap and shampoo that is humanly possible, myself I use almost none.
Edit… I don’t take the down votes personally, most people are locked into the idea that we need to continually slather ourselves in bullshit. Don’t forget that 2 million years of human evolution existed before soap and shampoo and skin care stuff. Basically stop hassling yourself and you’ll get more results.