This, too, shall pass. Along with many people.
This, too, shall pass. Along with many people.
I cast a very powerful procrastination spell at the beginning of the week and it’s only now starting to fizzle out.
Might have to recast it.
Yeah, we’ll get all of the surveillance, climate disaster and police state without any of the cool implants…
Currently playing through Cyberpunk just to have some kind of preparation of what is eventually to come.
Modern age dragons, sitting on their hoards while occasionally burning a peasant village to keep those dirty plebs in line.
Hehe, it’s usually the first question people ask. The answer is: it varies incredibly from one coin to the next, depending on rarity and quality. Most people assume that since these coins are between 2000-1500 years old, it means they must be priceless. But the reality is that the Roman empire was around for a VERY long time and had a vast economy. They minted millions upon millions of coins, probably more than any civilization until our modern days.
You can have silver denarii or antoniniani (“double” denarius) for as little as 15-20 bucks. The really rare ones go up to the high hundreds and even the low thousands for silver and bronze. Golden coins (aureii) are more rare but usually in great condition, but will set you back several thousands in even the low spectrum.
If you really just want “a roman coin” and the only requisite is that it’s genuine, you can get late Roman bronze coins for like a buck a piece, or a couple dozen at most for very nice specimens. Just be careful with Ebay and the like, lots of counterfeit going on there. If you go for the cheaper coins though, there’s little chance of fakes since they’re simply not worth faking.
I’m a collector of ancient coins, mostly Romans, so need to be able to read & understand the legends.
Currently trying to do the same with Greek but this feels a lot harder because there’s so much difference between ancient & modern Greek.
Threatening billionaires with jail apparently works. I wonder if it could be used to make them pay taxes.
I believe it’s real. But somewhat rare. I have been a 20+ years smoker and despite a myriad of issues, cannabis-induced psychosis or chs aren’t among them. I realize this information is highly anecdotal.
The police still shoot with beanbags. Something tells me the national guard is using live ammo in the same scenario.
I suspect people living in Sarajevo in the 90’s resent that opinion.
This is what I feel is the core problem of out-of-bounds capitalism today. 50-80 years ago there were fabulously wealthy people as well, but they were taxed out the wazoo and were still fabulously wealthy. And even though every corporation’s goal is, and always has been, to make profit, it feels as if it’s gone from “profit” to “maximum possible profit at ALL costs, including the damnation of life on the planet”.
We have plenty of examples of hypercapitalism destroying us in fiction (cyberpunk etc.) but our current reality is really really close to that hellscape. In some ways it’s actually worse because of the insidiousness and banality of the evil that lords over us daily.
We’re right back to fucking feudalism really. The local lords and ladies all kissing the new emperor’s ring, while he’s wearing no clothes…
Must’ve been a long time ago, since hardly anyone seems to remember…
It’s tragedy of the commons on a supermassive scale. No one comes out on top in the end, the overprivileged just take a little longer to die. But die they will.
My SO teaches religion parttime and makes more than I do working fulltime in IT. Power to her. If I wanted the same I should’ve become a teacher too.
If you aren’t important and the perp halfway knows what they’re doing - never. A majority of murders are never solved, you’d just become a statistic.
A jury comprised entirely of C-suite people would probably do the job. They’re undoubtedly going to try this.
Google speedrunning irrelevancy I see. Their search results are already garbage. Things like this just make me (and others) that much less likely to use them at all anymore.
I wish. But people will be rounded up and jailed or worse for organizing. Social media has all your secrets, which means the current administration has them too, now.