US - 30s Yeah, but only once and I was like 16 Could I still today? The phrase grind it til you find it comes to mind
Wondering Panda [He/Him]
US - 30s Yeah, but only once and I was like 16 Could I still today? The phrase grind it til you find it comes to mind
OK, I get that she was driving away and it might have been at an officer hard to get all the views when one’s dead. Anyway, 1 He could have easily stepped aside and got the make, model, and tag etc so as to not escalate the situation 2 How the fuck is step 2 shoot to kill. Could’ve shot the radiator or a tire or you know not fired a gun. This is why shit’s so messed up, there’s no middle ground you’re either complying with them or you’re a deadly threat nothing in between. De-Escalation training needs to be mandatory every few months.