Our Lord and Saver
Our Lord and Saver
Try listing the flatpak remotes in the terminal, maybe the correct repository isn’t added/enabled.
Can also be used from KDE Partition Manager.
Use LUKS encryption in the future.
The devs of mpv
pipeviewer or pv
What am I seeing here exactly?
I’m idling at 120W with eight drives, but I’m currently looking into how to lower it.
Is there a specific reason why these packages are no longer on Flathub?
They had an end of year fundraiser for people to adopt an app: https://kde.org/fundraisers/yearend2024/
I don’t have any experiences with Gnome Boxes. However, there’s no denying VirtualBox is a lot more user-friendly as a GUI than virt-manager.
We’re talking about someone who wants to know how to easily distro-hop. That’s not an expert level user. Have you tried unmounting an iso image from a virt-manager VM? Yes, that’s how bad virt-manager is as a user-facing GUI.
Virt-manager is a pain to use.
The Kubuntu installer offers btrfs instead now (not sure about Ubuntu).
Is there an easy way to install distros on a ZFS root that are not supported by debootstrap?
However, please don’t use btrfs for anything else than mirrors. RAID setups are unstable.
I’d say the best way for beginners is to install VirtualBox. You will be able to take snapshots before you try something stupid, so you can always restore to a known good state. The GUI is also pretty much fool-proof.
Ah yes, the old “I care so little that I had to tell you”.
Leider wohl nicht ohne weiteres zu Hause auszuprobieren.