You’re right. I updated the comment
You’re right. I updated the comment
You’re right. I updated the comment
Edit: I’m mixing up a at will employment with right to work. Sorry for the confusion. See updated comment below:
Right to work: Joining a union and paying union dues can no longer be a requirement of employment. This slowly degrades the power of the union and ultimately reduces wages and benefits of the workers
Right to work At will employment is: A right to be fired at any point for any reason or no reason at all
The goal is to get around any union protections that require things like a legitimate reason to be fired from a job.
It also has the added bonus of drastically reducing the benefits of unions and making them much easier to prevent.
I had the same question. I’m hoping the line shows total votes and the bars will increase as in person votes are added to the total
I disagree. You are only allowed to agree with the article using the articles own statements. If article states the sky was always red without mentioning anything else, then you’d have to agree or fail.
No other views, facts, opinions, perspectives, etc was allowed.
That is not critical thinking.
That was how Missouri taught “critical thinking”
The problem was it forced you to agree with that opinion. There was no thinking involved, only blind belief
Critical thinking would allow you to understand opposing opinions while respectfully disagreeing
I really hope it’s not the same kind of critical thinking that some other states pushed.
Missouri’s version was to assign a controversial and biased news article and the students had to write an essay agreeing with the article while citing that same article. Outside sources were not allowed and neither was disagreeing with the article. Anything but full agreement resulted in a 0% and put marks against the school since it was state assessment.
In a way it has. The fleet of robotaxis blocked traffic due to their low cell service and now the company responsible is washing their hands clean by saying it’s not our problem, it’s the lack of cell service!
So, if at any point, they get less than optimal signal then they’ll put the grid in a deadlock?
Sounds even worse than people protesting to earn a living and get equal treatment
It’s almost unusable for me and everyone I work with.
Takes several attempts to join a meeting and have audio and mic working and screen shares working,
freezes regularly for 30+ seconds at a time when interacting with anything in the ui (especially the mute button in calls),
sharing your screen takes several attempts to get it to work,
the calendar in it is rarely synced with outlook(maybe the new calendar in teams will work better?)
These are just the issues my coworkers and I get on a daily basis. It’s not even touching the ones that only happen a few times a week.
The only good thing I’ve experienced is the recorded meetings are shared quickly after the call ends.