Yes. Once I actually locked myself out of using sudo and then forgot my root password because I updated the stuff without looking at the content of those files
I just had one of those portage update messages btw, so they are for sure still a thing
Yes. Once I actually locked myself out of using sudo and then forgot my root password because I updated the stuff without looking at the content of those files
I just had one of those portage update messages btw, so they are for sure still a thing
Yes. Just look at .world. As long as world is still federated into other communities, the fediverse is not federated.
Arent PCs already modular? And if they are talking about board level modularity, like changing mainboard components, cant everyone with a pinecil already do that?
Proton is run by a fascist. Its only a matter of time until they too will Start sucking Trumps balls
Yeah, did that for some time. Turns out, it gets pretty repetitive if youre just going back to arch every month after trying something else because on everything else you just go through a withdrawal of that feeling of ecstasy and pure hatred every time when your PC takes 0.5 seconds more to boot/update/do anything and you start praying you won’t have to troubleshoot it for the next 5 hours and somehow finish your work by midnight
Its a suprise to me that there were even people doing that.
foreign man
Why „foreign man”? Why not „Capitalist”? Or „Megacorporation”?
Foreign people are not the only ones who are fucking you over.
If you want free speech, you gotta free yourself from authorities.
Reminder that the Hyprland community is full of racist and anti lgbt fucks and no one should support them
I dont know its Name, but there was once some phonk music in my local tech store that mostly just repeated „toma toma toma” by the most annoying sounds in existence. Its cover was red. If anyone knows it, please tell me
Down down down my itchy, Red water by rehab
Im just waiting for some capitalist to call Linux inc out for supporting the russians
Or how we say in germany: bischte deppert?
Ive actually tried it some time ago, its not that bad. If you fing some way to switch tty inside cage (app for starting GUI apps without Window manager) it could be a pretty competent alternative to them
no flatpak
Erm, no? There are many GUI Software managers with Flatpaks Integration, for example GNOME software or KDE discover
which would just tell you when no update
About every major non diy distro does that
that would be fun and easy to use
For me at least it wouldnt be. If you dont want the terminal, just use something like mint, it has a GUI for everything you need
Also, why have no terminal? Its always a good backup for if you GUI stops working, and if you want GUIs for everything, that dosent mean the terminal has not to be there
Not really, at least in sites like gutefrage (german site where the biggest dumbasses of the world unite) There were a lot of questions about them trying to use it as their first Linux distro because they magically care about privacy
söderström. So, just asking, is he a meat fetishist too? Edit: Just look up who söder is instead of just downvoting stuff you dont gez
Finally theres a standart for Smart home devices, even tho I doubt anyone else will use the standart
Genau darum sollte niemand mehr als eine Immobilie besitzen dürfen. Maximal 2 wenn er einen sehr guten Grund dafür beim Amt darlegen kann. Und die zweite sollte auch mindestens 2 Monate im Jahr der Wohnort für den Besitzer sein.
Miete als auch Kaufpreise der häuser sollten vom Staat je nach dem Einkommen, den Personen die dort leben werden, und der nötigkeit da zu leben geregelt werden. Eine Großfamilie die dort arbeitet sollte prozentual gesehen weniger seines gehalts an Miete für eine Familienwohnung in München ausgeben müssen als ein single „Entrepeneur” der einfach nur da lebt um den Gucci store jeden Tag besuchen zu können.