They are going back a century, to the manual teleoperator. When all started, it’s the circle of tech
They are going back a century, to the manual teleoperator. When all started, it’s the circle of tech
Turns out they never do lol
It’s a secret tool that will help us later
Google: don’t be --evil–
Stock was at 420 and that was all that matters
WTF? No pyramids? -the aliens
Jokes on you, I can’t afford them
Israeli racial recognition program for example
Abortion and all health care in general is completely free
He’s far-right authoritarian which is both the oposite of liberal and libertarian
Added to the cool crimes list
Turns out racism is systemic, who could have known?
Lmao do the opposite of whatever this guy says, he only wants his 2 trillion dollar stockmarket bubble not to burst
Million dollar idea: fediverse pornhub, ok I can already see some challenges
I think they mean we should put it out its misery?
The avengers wasting tax dollars again on a massive machine that will be destroyed by the villain they created
They are terrorists, and the US is giving billions of dollars to those terrorists
It’s Acapulco, how can they leave it out of the title
The dream of the Islamic state came true
Funny how elon will be one of the main reasons the US won’t set a base on mars before china