Ich find auch diese Mode, “Aktionen” direkt neben “Angeboten” zu bewerben furchtbar. Was soll das heißen, “Aktionspreis”?
she/her, A(u?)DHD, linksgrünversiffte filthy librul German fanartist. Likes Doctor Who the normal amount.
Ich find auch diese Mode, “Aktionen” direkt neben “Angeboten” zu bewerben furchtbar. Was soll das heißen, “Aktionspreis”?
You must realise that your pronouns are highly unusual and will cause confusion in people who aren’t aware of them, no?
I’m not telling you to stop using them, do whatever the fuck you like, but maybe keep in mind that the more unusual your language, the harder to understand you are - especially when seeing your posts for the first time. No, that’s no reason to harass you or anything, I’m just saying that, when people react negatively to your posts, the cause is most likely simple confusion.
Unrelated to the topic: news media used to get someone to translate their shit for them so there wouldn’t be ambiguity about what the source says. I fucking hate that it’s now okay to rely on machine translation and hope for the best. I will not credit them here for noticing that something wasn’t entirely clear in their translation, that’s the bare minimum.
Soziophobe wie ich wollen den Text genau lesen, überlegen, ob sie angerufen werden wollen, und entsprechend anpassen.
Bad idea. I really wouldn’t mess with Princess Luna (the original), she’ll invade your dreams.
Honest question: why do you want that? What would you do with it? Tbh, I’m not even entirely certain I know what it is you’re looking for. “Character templates”?
Also why we endlessly do the hip wiggle to avoid going to the loo until it hurts.
“Just do [X]” does not compute, whether X is “yoga”, “sports”, “[specific diet]”, “the laundry”, or simply “it”. It is never simply “just”. The inability to “just” start doing a thing (especially without any immediate reward) is one of the central symptoms of ADHD and if you say “just do [X]”, you’re essentially saying “just don’t have ADHD”.
ADHD also doesn’t mean you are/were bad in school. Not by a long shot.
Oh I see, hah. It did sound like you were simply misremembering and it’s been quite a while since I saw the movie so that went right over my head.
Was that Ozzy? Whoever it was, it was a request for a bowl of only brown M&Ms backstage and their reasoning was that, if that request wasn’t fulfilled, whoever was responsible didn’t do their job and they’d assume that other, necessary stuff also wasn’t done properly. Kind of a canary, in a way.
will start on Sunday, January 19
“Starting on Sunday we won’t hate you as much anymore. Until then, fuck you.”
I do appreciate the thought and, although a cursory look at what’s available in online shops around here seems more expensive than I’m comfortable with, I will at least consider your advice next time I have the mental energy. Thank you :)
You just need to learn to curate your feed.
⚒️ 🚗 🔨
That was a bubble bath with candles and wine thought.
Wall of text incoming, sorry, I get anxious trying to explain myself and I ramble 😅
My specific situation is that I have serious trouble organising myself (planning and acting on plans) due to mental health and I am chronically exhausted. I’m on disability because of these and some other issues.
I can’t find affordable loose-leaf tea in any store nearby. Ordering something I need regularly online is difficult because I need to remember that I need to do it and then also do it. I know it sounds weird to someone who doesn’t have that problem but it’s just far easier to just go to one supermarket, once a week, and get all the stuff that I’m going to need (and even that isn’t easy when you’re exhausted simply from existing). Add to that decision fatigue where I get thoroughly overwhelmed by the sheer number of options when online shopping - I actually like having just a handful of options because it makes deciding a lot less exhausting. (I also wouldn’t know where to get affordable tea online that isn’t amazon and I’m trying to avoid that but that’s a different topic)
It’s not the manipulation of tea bags that’s difficult for me, I fortunately don’t have problems using my hands other than being clumsy because I don’t pay attention.
Tea bags:
I do actually own a tea infuser ball and a reusable tea bag and there’s more steps involved, including having to clean them. I used each a couple of times and then I just couldn’t do it anymore because the thought of going through these steps was overwhelming.
What ends up happening is that I just want to drink my tea and even the maybe 5 minutes it would take to clean the thing are too much. So I leave the used tea bag lying somewhere, I forget that I have to clean it, and it takes me days to remember - worst case scenario is the tea starts getting mouldy in the bag. Even if I remember, I can’t work up the energy to clean the thing so I postpone it (and don’t drink tea in the meantime).
Sidenote: I have a Huel subscription because if that package didn’t arrive like magic on my doorstep every two months, I regularly wouldn’t eat anything but toast for days because everything else is more than two steps and thus too much.
I know it’s not like anyone is asking me to run a marathon and I feel silly just typing all this. I’m the first person in line to chastise myself because I just have to pull myself together a bit and stop being lazy and get over myself and I have the hardest time accepting that I am ill. If tea bags ceased to exist tomorrow, I suppose I could deal. As it is, they are a small thing making one small act a little easier, adding to a bunch of other small things that are inconsequential on their own but make small acts a little easier so I can feel like half a person.
I don’t have easy access to loose-leaf tea, unfortunately.
Also, this is not specifically directed at you but it’s on my mind lately: loose-leaf tea is more effort than tea bags. This is not a big deal for healthy people but please don’t shame chronically ill people for using tea bags.
(This comment was eaten on my first attempt, sorry if it shows up twice)
I’m saying you should expect people to be like that.