That’s niave. You don’t think words are spoken behind closed doors. All the paperwork is to cover their ass so they can point to it later when questions. Everything gets swept under the rug when you are hired to investigate the people who hired you.
Depends on the country. This wiki article goes over a bunch of countries.
For the wireless charger I got one of those Anker ones that hold it at angle like stand, so I put my phone on it while I’m at my desk. I can look at it and check any notifications that come in without having to pick it up. Saves me from having another cord on my desk.
Who debunked this? I don’t any comments debunking it.
Also if you read the article it has limited applications so it’s not some pie in the sky you think it.
I think people who see countfeit stuff don’t know what they are buying before they go on Amazon and order from Chinese brands. I know what I’m going to buy before I go on Amazon so I never have the issue. I just use it to check prices and buy if it’s a good enough discount.
In industrial there are very few wireless systems unless they are either too remote from the CPU and aren’t safety sensitive. Safety is taken very seriously because any incident can mean injuries/death and ending up in the public eye. Any safety systems are hard wired because of reliability.
The voice didn’t sync up to the lips and hand gestures when I watched it. That was enough for me.
Could also have something to do with how corrupt their office is over there. I’ve heard lots of allegations of female streamers needing to do things such as send nudes or perform sexual acts to stay on the platform. Similar to how the kpop industry is run.
Am I missing something? You’re the only poster in this post besides me and a bot.
Actually regulations killed them.
I wish I could watch his videos but the way he talks is awful. It’s like some exaggerated evolution of YouTube talk.
A data set of 133 is better than your data set of 0.
That’s not true. Start ups tend to take advantage of people’s hopes and dream of working for a start up. Not sure what the big deal is with start ups. Here’s the first article I found from a quick google search
Remote work camps for mines use Starlink. The one I was at was pretty terrible. Not sure if they had multiple units running or what. There we about 1500 of us at the camp.
Take it down.
I have spoken!
Yeah. We’ll definitely be set ourselves back for a while. Shame because we are on the verge of lots of great technologies.
Well it’s still a step in the right in my opinion. It’s one less source of greenhouses gases. It’s one less industry that needs to be cleaned up.
Where do you spray it?
How do I get banned from OneDrive? Upload shit tons of garbage to clog their drives? I know they could probably add more space faster than I can upload but it would still make me happy to slowly feed them useless files that only take up space.