And with open source code, you have the right to copy and modify the code, and distribute your own copies of the original, or the modified code. Try that with closed source code and you’ll get a nice C&D shortly.
And with open source code, you have the right to copy and modify the code, and distribute your own copies of the original, or the modified code. Try that with closed source code and you’ll get a nice C&D shortly.
An odd pair of chromosomes makes it harder than being off by a pair. Mules are unbreedable due to their odd number of chromosomes.
We have successfully bred with species further apart, including an alpaca and a llama.
So yes all the science points to it being possible with humans, but ethically we can’t possibly do that.
And it is not one more mutation to add an extra chromosome. It’s a loooot more.
I’d send thoughts and prayers, but thoughts and prayers are out of network.
It may be just the selection of the current drive you’re in? Does it show an x on another drive when you select it?
You don’t even need evolution, it’s that simple.
How did I get here? My parents had sex.
Pretty much the only way to make a human involves previous humans. Most humans are on earth.
I just said that.
I can’t vote for the non-fascist and also organize for revolution?
I definitely agree we have different names for different scenarios!
When a rich person is murdered, they’re assassinated
When a religious figure does a magic trick, it’s a miracle etc
Kinda an exception, don’t you think?
Organizing has never led to someone getting into office. Voting has led to people getting into office.
I just disagree with softening the word by adding “soft” at the beginning. A soft coup is a coup. Date rape is still rape, candy-corn-murder is still murder. No need to add prefixes to try and categorize them, and artificially make some sort of hierarchy.
By naming it any less than a coup, and holding all coups to the same standard, it’s an attempt to soften it, and I am against that.
That’s right where I want to be. So on the fence you frustratingly want me to just pick any side.
But for your own sanity sake, I prefer to side with society freedoms. I’m too young and broke to care about tax brackets or inflation rate.
A federal prosecutor has always dedicated her career to building “internment camps” but a literal coup that led to several deaths was “soft”?
You haven’t even demonstrated that there is a ship to steer. I’m very against fascism, which is why I’m voting for Kamala.
I don’t see “attempted a coup when she lost an election and still denies losing to this day” so my mind is still set.
It’s common for windows updates to delete boot parts or Linux, corrupt grub, etc. That is only when windows and Linux are installed on the same drive together. I have yet to see Windows corruping Linux on a separate drive entirely. Never happened to me despite how much I mess up my grub updates distro hop.
I’d recommend having the Linux drive unplugged during the windows installation. Windows, for some reason, will install the boot loader in an entirely different drive than what you selected. There’s no question or prompt to prevent this. The only way to easily prevent this is to just have the one drive plugged in.
Basically bots would automatically click on it, teleporting the cursor to the very center of the button. They will do this within exact milliseconds of the page loading.
Humans read something on the site, then find the banner, and move the cursor over to it, confirm that the cursor is somewhere on the button, and then click it.
It’s not just the button, it’s the before the button that determines you’re a bot or not.
Ah yes all those polls known for being so accurate.
Specifically polls related to “I would’ve voted if X”