He probably gets paid to argue. Block the little traitorous bitch and stop arguing with him.
He probably gets paid to argue. Block the little traitorous bitch and stop arguing with him.
Not that they’ll care but I bought for two years but will find something else when that runs out.
Fetterman needs his brain examined. Literally. And recalled. He’s not the person PA voted for.
I switched to Organic Maps on Android. I’m still figuring out how to make it convenient (some apps seem to prefer trying to open with Google Maps which is now disabled) but it works on Android Auto and gets me to destination just fine.
Mush is a terrorist.
It’s pretty clear that the majority of politicians on the right and left support this. It’s always been about the rich and powerful.
We’ve seen how large corporations kneel down to power, too, so maybe he’s hoping his position in the Administration will get them to settle. Typically bully shit.
Lol. The religious nutjobs will really love it when he gives us a choice of the taking the mark (of the beast) or face deportation.
They’re a clear and present danger to the country.
Connect for Lemmy works pretty good imo.
At least those are so companies I can easily avoid. Amazon hasn’t been easy since they monopolized the market but I can still usually buy from someone else. (Unless they charge for shipping and Amazon still ships same product for free at same price).
I think you’re underestimating the amount of Luigies there are. And I think this probably has woke a lot of them up.
Different bag and jacket too? I don’t see how you can match the fact there at all.
I joked the dust was what was keeping the PC running when this happened to me. But your explanation makes more sense. Dang
And when it crashes the greedy rich fuckers who invested will find a way to pass the losses to the tax payers. Private gains and socialized losses are the newest trick of the rich.
Unbridled capitalism sucks ass.
Yeah, Roku must be on its last legs with the crap they’re pulling. All of this says to me: don’t buy Roku.
Crickets on the fact that so many users of 10+ years left, deleting their content on the way out? Seems writer didn’t dig very deep. Not that Rodent would give them accurate numbers or anything.
I signed up for a bundle and ESPN told me Disney had to cancel it and Disney says ESPN had to cancel it. Eventually they cancelled it out of courtesy. Definitely not making that mistake again.