Say it ain’t so! 😂
Say it ain’t so! 😂
Manipulative headline. It’s not holding up anything as much as people are trying to make sure they can still feed their families in the face of the insatiable corporate hunger for cost cutting to yield ever more profits.
So weird when people’s meager needs are passed over for rich people’s profits instead.
There’s a few ways to beat rich executives, quite a few.
That’s up to Trump, because your vaunted checks and balances are gone.
Think he’s going to show restraint? Insight? Empathy?
I think each woman has her own reasons (some people actually like traditions) but I have the impression that, globally, women are not the same as what we see online. I think today the taking of a surname does not indicate ownership or property, at least to most modern women (and men).
I don’t think any woman thinks like that anymore, or perhaps not many, so the motivations would then also be obviously different.
I’m really enjoying Bluesky strangely enough, not normally my thing.
Yeah. Most people are probably experiencing the shock of what they thought the American people were vs what they are. It’s hard to understand and accept.
As foreigners, our views are heavily affected by things like Hollywood, celebrity and visibility to the “best of America”. But the bulk of America is not that, at all. So the veneer is torn away and it’s jarring to most people.
The only positive I see in all this is that we get to watch the US get what they voted for. Pain can be a teacher, but I doubt they can learn from it. Any and all agony from this will just be the other parties fault, always. Too much venom and malice in the politics and too little earnest substance.
Most Americans like and support Trump. That IS America.
Trump and team don’t need to win the election. They just need to make it tainted with enough irregularities that it forms the basis for the entire thing to be called into question. Even if that evidence is created by them. And this time they’re more prepared for that outcome. They’ve had years to work on his scenario.
The court cases and investigations will go on for years.
Doesn’t need to win a vote at all.
Huge respect to them, well done
It seems that happiness is something in one’s mind, an internal state. I’ve seen people happy who have very little, and the opposite. Happiness is therefore a perception. The mind is the lens through which we perceive everything, so focusing the lens at the right things and ensuring it’s a clean lens are the right starting point to “finding” happiness.
Cleaning the lens: Eat well, sleep well, exercise.
These three fundamentals lay the foundation of a clean lens. If you do the above, you have created the best physical conditions for your mind. You are unfortunately a chemical creature, so the physical state of your brain is critical to all pursuits, including perception of reality.
The next step is pointing the lens at the right things, stay tuned for our next episode!
Has there been any movement from those wallets in the years since Satoshi went dark?
We’re not going to hit those targets anyway… SO LET’S MAKE IT WAY FUCKING WORSE
I wonder if we’ll ever get to the place where people like this unexpectedly meet violent ends. They’ll sacrifice any number of lives for their shareholders interests.
Any one want to guess who will really end up paying for the price hike?
It’s not AT&T.
I believe the answer is “A lot of Americans”.
So you want to try create the right moments for deeper conversation, I think that would be more likely away from his mates? I don’t know them so just guessing.
With that in mind, maybe Google around for anything interesting or different happening in the area. A gardening or book faire, wine or coffee festival, anything relaxed. Then ask him if he wants to go. Ideally something quiet that has some walking around?
That might create helpful conditions.
Tricky, but you could take the approach of just putting it on the table:
"Hey, I have a weird random question… " And then ask if he thinks there is life elsewhere in the universe or what he thinks is going on with flat earthers or whatever. It isn’t bad to be a bit random in timing.
In terms of timing specifics though, you don’t want to do it in the middle of some other discussion, so you normally wait for a quiet moment or a lull in the current conversation. Typically depends on what’s going on. I find something like building puzzles together is great for this, because you’ve both got something to do but it’s not so intense as to block easy conversation that just meanders a bit. Just an example though.
When you are together, what are you normally doing? Long drives are easier to find ok moments, studying in the library or in the middle of a dentist appointment less so
You could try asking some deep questions, see what comes out of that.
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