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Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • January 24, 2025

    Mr. Sergio Gor Director of Presidential Personnel The White House

    Dear Mr. Gor:

    I am writing in response to your email sent to me and other Inspectors General earlier this evening wherein you informed each of us that “due to changing priorities, your position as Inspector General . . . is terminated, effective immediately.”

    As Chairperson of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), I recommend that you reach out to White House Counsel to discuss your intended course of action. At this point, we do not believe the actions taken are legally sufficient to dismiss Presidentially Appointed, Senate Confirmed Inspectors General.

    Specifically, based upon the 2022 amendments to the Inspector General Act of 1978, the President must notify Congress 30 days prior to removal of an IG and provide “substantive rationale, including detailed and case-specific reasons” for such removal. 5 U.S.C. § 403(b), as amended by the section 5202(a) of the Securing Inspector General Independence Act of 2022 (Title LII, Subtitle A, of P.L. 117-263, 136 Stat. 2395, 3222). The requirement to provide the substantive rationale, including detailed and case specific reasons, was added to better enable Congress to engage on and respond to a proposed removal of an Inspector General in order to protect the independence of Inspectors General.

    Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at Hannibal.Ware@sba.gov. Sincerely,

    Hannibal “Mike” Ware CIGIE Chairperson

    Cc: Rand Paul, Chairman, Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affiairs Gary Peters, Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs James Comer, Chairman, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Gerald Connolly, Ranking Member, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

  • I mean it just doesn’t matter what it was “supposed” to be. How many times have we seen things that are sooort of close to the nazi salute so people are like “hey better not do that.” And this is stuff that’s like basically just anything holding your hand in the air. This was straight up the salute lol I mean there’s no two ways about it. The question is what the intention was. And if it wasn’t intended to be some sort of nod to Nazism or fascism or something, why in the flying fuck would you do it?! lol I mean everyone in the literal world knows it would prolly be a bad idea to do anything like that but the self proclaimed Uber genius, smartest man in the world, ultra mega mastermind, God gamer musk… It just slips his mind?

  • It’s like catching a little kid in a lie and they just keep on making up more and more hilarious crap to cover the initial lie. Each lie builds on itself requiring a bigger, more ridiculous lie to cover it up and before you know it, you went from who ate the missing yogurt to now the sky is a glass dome, the sun is a giant flashlight that the government turns on and off and the moon only glows because of magical glow worms that live on its surface