Putting murderers in prison for life wasn’t massively controvertial last I checked.
Amateur photographer. Mostly I take photos of birds, but also stuff that isn’t birds. Don’t steal my photos.
Putting murderers in prison for life wasn’t massively controvertial last I checked.
She should die in prison.
How could anyone seriously come up with a take this stupid?
“It’s ok that the state murders peopl for fake crimes as long as the people not being murdered don’t mind.”
You’re a fucking psychopath.
Not likely. Most Americans have been so brainwashed against unions that they’ll oppose them even as they slowly starve because their full time job doesn’t pay enough to cover rent and groceries.
Literally none of this is viable on a massive enough scale to matter in the slightest. 2/3 of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and spending power has been steadily plummeting for decades with no positive change in sight. Most people can’t afford a new car, or even a relatively new used one, and wil likely never be able to. For most, owning a home in their lifetime, or even renting from a decent landlord, is also pure fantasy, let alone the idea of overhauling one to be green and energy efficient. You’re part of a very small and shrinking bubble of people who have the extreme luxury of making even one of these choices, let alone all of them. In poorer countries, the situation is far worse.
Can we please all just admit that he’s guilty of treason and charge him accordingly at this point?
No, because that’s not how you get a legitimate conviction that will be upheld on appeal.
And? We’re more than capable of pointing fingers in multiple directions.
“I’m just gonna pay off this maxed credit card with this other credit card that has an infinitely variable interest rate and sends people over to my house to trash my lawn. What could go wrong?”
It’s got nothing to do with stupidity. We were all born and raised in, and indoctrinated by a society that pushes intense consumerism in every aspect of our lives. That didn’t happen overnight, and it’s not the result of a person making astupid choice. It happened incrementally over centuries, slowly enough that most people take for granted as just the way things are and never really question it.
That’s why only strong government regulation can fix this, and why “durr just stop buying stuff” is an ignorant, asinine take.
There is no such thing as a medicine with no side effects. Never has been, never will be.
People need to get it through their thick skulls that we cannot dig ourselves out of this hole without hurting ourselves in the short term. It’s decades too fucking late for that. Fixing this will cause unavoidable suffering; not accepting that is going to cause exponentially more suffering. Suffering that has already begun. We as a global society had every opportunity to avoid it, but we chose not to. There is no painless solution anymore. We can all suffer now and mostly make it through to the other side, or we can try to cling to our cushy lives of excess and convenience while the vast majority of us die. Pick one; those are the only choices.
People buy the shit because corporations make it and, at best, tell us we want it, and at worst, design our entire infratstructure and society around it so that we more or less have to buy it.
Nobody was asking for cars, or at least very few were, until companies started pushing them on people. Same goes for the vast majority of shit we own.
Exactly. At least 70% of emission are caused directly by corporate and military activity, and that’s just the sanitized, conservative, government/corporate approved statistic. Realistically, the number probably much higher.
Using paper straws, sorting your recycling, and turning the hallway light off does fuck all for climate change, and it will never make a meaningful difference without a harsh crackdown on, if not a total overthrow of global corporate hegemony in this decade. We all know how likely that is…
He’s technically right, though; climate change isn’t going to drive us to extinction. Yes, it’s going to cause the total collapse of modern society in our lifetimes and more death and sufferring than any other event in recorded history, but there will almost certainly be tens or hundreds of millions of survivors. Maybe even billions.
No, it’s just the corporate feudalism we live under. I guess that’s pretty bizarre itself, though.