I have to ask - did you read that entire comment and not detect any hint of sarcasm?
I have to ask - did you read that entire comment and not detect any hint of sarcasm?
Another article might have included a photo or photos, but the ‘image’ being referred to is the image presented by a person or situation. Which is described. It’s not about one particular photo
It’s a joke, implying that ‘child’s presence’ referred to his own presence, or Trump’s.
You dropped a v… Oh. You little shirt
FYI there’s a typo in here which had me reading it like “people-freeing ethnic cleansing”, which sounds evil as hell and not at all what you meant
Also anecdotal: I met an American in France one time. We were both travelling, so there were plenty of other things to talk about, but somehow he got onto the subject of how much he loves the 2nd amendment within 5 minutes of meeting him, max. I have no idea how he steered the convo there, it was like a magic trick. Blew my mind.
I know you are being technically accurate about gender identity, but we’re not talking about you, and the example here is someone posting “look at that tranny”. They are absolutely thinking about genitals.
Oof, they bought you chutes and ladders (snakes and ladders where I grew up, I guess chutes makes a lot more sense) and never even played it with you…? Damn. I’m sorry
Some people are overly conscientious of people around them, and ask questions like these even though they are already being completely reasonable. It’s a huge jump to assume they must be being an asshole, yelling into their mic etc. Try asking next time: “are you concerned about it because you tend to get excited and loud while chatting? Or is it more just a normal phone-call conversation volume?”
…talking, in your own room, is being an asshole?
Don’t delete. There is no hive. Let the opinions and discussion happen, read them all, see if anything sways you. If not that’s fine, if it does that’s fine too. You asked, hear the answers
yyyyyyep. And I can never figure out if I’m depressed or just sad about the state of things for valid reasons.
“swallow the completion” really sounds like a fellatio joke…
It’s beautiful
Commented about this recently somewhere else, so it’s what came to mind first - ‘Mother’ by Darren Aronofsky. I came away from watching it really excited about interpretations involving artists, egos, glorified relationships with their ‘muse’ that drains that partner completely until they have nothing more to give and are discarded, shattered, while the artist is adored etc.
Aronofsky himself describes it with a fixed interpretation of (paraphrasing) ‘she represents mother earth, and we are taking from her and destroying her’. Which in my opinion is just kinda boring. I can see it fitting, but it just makes the whole movie much less interesting to me