As far as I know Indiana is the only currently released game in this category.
As far as I know Indiana is the only currently released game in this category.
Not true anymore.
The Indiana Jones game that just came out does require ray tracing. There are a few others coming out that do as well.
Why would I want a firmware update?
I think that has to do with whether it is single or double jeopardy. I think they get a free pass from the host if they forget to phrase their answer as a question in single, but not double.
It is deterministic, it is just determined elsewhere.
If thread 1 is working on a task and needs the output of thread 2, it doesn’t know what the output is. Of you move the tasks from thread 2 back into thread 1, then you have eliminated the point of multi threading.
Hard to find nuance in anything the current government is doing
I say twenty oh one just because i dislike inconsistency and prefer twenty oh over two thousand
I’m sure the Republican govt will get right on that
One side is worse, but both sides ARE bad.
If democrats really wanted to improve our lives, they wouldn’t have quashed Bernie in 2016 or 2020. What they did this year with Kamala was equivalent.
She was still a better choice in every possible aspect over Trump. It wasn’t enough.
Who gives a fuck about the macroeconomic perspective
The economy, to any person with a pulse, means “can I afford to live”. If the dictionary definition of an economy is different, then speak the language of the people.
Even when it is not deterministic at a single event, it is at a group of events. I know that sounds contradictory, and there is probably a better way to word that, but for example - if quantum randomness means that you cannot predict where a specific particle will go each time you measure it, you can predict the distribution curve of where the particle will be if you measure it some arbitrarily large number of times.
In order to get 99.9% certainty, 1) you are saying you are willing to have one in a thousand death penalties against innocents, and 2) that requires a system made of people to do their job correctly 99.9% of the time. I dont think there is a job on earth that people in a large group can do that well.
How does simplex compare to signal?
It is absolutely possible to sweat in water.
Is it something you can talk about? I’m currently in the process of trying to switch from pihole to pfblockerng but am interested if there are better alternatives
Don’t all the advanced ways rely on JavaScript?
Is there a guide on how to do that?
Because for a lot of Americans, they absolutely do.
Americans are not one homogenous group.
AMD cards can do ray tracing too. Not nearly as well, but they can.