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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2024

  • Genauso war es bei uns auch.

    Beim 3km Lauf bekamen wir die Tabelle 8 Wochen vor der Benotung, um trainieren zu können; ich stand rechnerisch ungefähr auf einer 9 oder 10. Deutlich zu schlecht für die 6. Ich hab meine Lehrerin gefragt, ob sie ernsthaft von mir erwartet, dass ich zwei Monate trainiere, nur um es möglicherweise auf eine 5 zu schaffen - und sie hat nur mit den Schultern gezuckt. Das Ergebnis: Ich hab mir eine 6 eintragen lassen und bin nicht mitgelaufen. Dafür hatte sie sogar Verständnis.

    Ich glaub die einzigen Menschen, die Sportnoten fair oder sinnvoll finden, sind die, die schon als Kinder gut darin waren. Klar hatten die Spaß am Sportunterricht, wenn dort honoriert wurde, was sie eh schon zum Spaß gemacht haben - ich hätte mich auch gefreut, wenn ich fürs übermäßige Bücherlesen einfach eine 1 oder 2 ins Zeugnis bekommen hätte.

  • und dabei nicht nur die Erfolge bewertet, sondern hauptsächlich wie viel Einsatz die Person gebracht hat

    In was für einer Schule wird das denn gemacht? Bei uns ging es rein um die Erfolge, in Zahlen, mit Leistungstabellen die für alle Schüler:innen gleich waren. Ich war nie in Reichweite einer akzeptablen Note, geschweige denn jemals an die Benotungen der Kinder heranzureichen, die von vorneherein Spaß am Sport hatten, egal wie viel Einsatz ich gezeigt hätte - also hab ichs gelassen.

    Ich kann mit Sicherheit sagen, dass manche Kinder durch den Sportunterricht langfristig vom Sport (bzw. dem Spaß daran) abgehalten werden. Bei mir war das nämlich eindeutig so.

  • Youth corrections staff is still a whole other story than doctors though. A physical examination is probably one of the most vulnerable positions one could be in. These cameras would record people getting naked, multiple orifices being examined, and patients talking about symptoms or things they are unsure and often ashamed about.

    The cost would be enormous. I imagine many people would be even more reluctant to go to the doctor than they are now.

    And the benefit, in my opinion, would be very slim. Medical malpractice is far more subtle than the examples from the article. As patients we’re rarely worried that our doctor will physically assault us, we’re worried about errors in judgement, delays in care, and prejudices based on gender, ethnicity, age, sexuality, and so on. And those aren’t directly observable most of the time. Even if you get the moment on camera where your doctor decides to trivialize your symptoms you mostly wouldn’t be able to prove it happened for discriminatory reasons.

  • Ironically, behind all this is a misconception that we’re actually constantly working on with our patients. The truth is that the clinics would function better and we could offer better therapy if, for example, we weren’t so overworked and enough staff were employed. But in order to achieve this, we would have to make decisions again and again in specific cases, which are less pleasant for patients in the short term. Specifically: saying no to our employers more often, strikes, and in the worst case resignation. Sensible in the long term, unpleasant in the short term. For our patients. And that’s the crux of it.

    Unfortunately it is always easier to discover those mistakes in the thinking of others. I have met dozens of colleagues who avoid fighting for better working conditions for precisely these reasons (while advising their patients to avoid this error in particular). And clinics of course know this and take advantage of it.

    So better negotiation skills are really only party of the solution (although also very important). I think in the long term we need better education and more focus on socialist ideas, specifically on how and why employee rights (and the ability to self-care) are such an integral requirement to a job well done.

  • That’s an interesting one. As a psychotherapist from Germany I can say we’re definitely not low paid, but it is much less than other academic professions, and especially in relation to the time it takes to get qualified (roughly 10 years) and the cost of approbation itself (varies from 30k-160k, and that’s in a country where education usually is free) it’s really not a good fit for someone who is very financially motivated. (Ironically because of the high upfront cost the job tends to attract people from well endowed backgrounds though.)

    I think like in many helping professions we have a majority of very idealistic people who don’t negotiate very well. Employers get away with way too much because refusal at our side at first only ever hurts the patients, so we kinda keep up with it. Maybe something similar is happening in the professions that are in my mind actually the most underpaid for their time, and that’s nursing and care work of all sorts.