You don’t have to say you’re anti-war before saying you support supplying Ukraine. Giving Ukraine the means to defend themselves from warmongering is a form of being anti-war.
You don’t have to say you’re anti-war before saying you support supplying Ukraine. Giving Ukraine the means to defend themselves from warmongering is a form of being anti-war.
You: “I’m not Russian. I’m not a troll.”
Also you: immediately proceeds to pretend supplying Ukraine with the weapons they need to defend from a warmongering Russia is itself warmongering
Next you’ll say that a rape victim defending themself is aggression
Snowflake says what?
Lol cupcake you’re implying that the jan 6 prosecutions and trump’s prosecutions are, despite the mountain of evidence about them, not justice and just political stunts. You’re so full of shit your eyes are brown. At this point maga cultists like yourself probably have a worse grasp on reality than scientologists
Ah the I’m rubber you’re glue approach, solid.
With the maga cult lies that you just peddled in your previous comment, I don’t believe you
legislators choose to do nothing for about half a year before slowly murmuring…
Let me correct that for you: legislators pointing this out are prevented from doing anything because the opposing party has enough numbers to stop anything from happening that’d piss off their base regarding trump.
And no, we’re not ok
Well if it makes you feel any better, not forgoing idealism in the face of reality would help trump win. So the realism of voting for biden and getting him to win is the best possible outcome, as far as getting as close to your ideals as possible is concerned.
Curious what liberal socialist ideals your talking about forgoing here
Gotcha, so you are in fact implying that anyone should be allowed to say whatever they want on other people’s digital property, and cloaking it in platitudes about censorship and 1984 rah rah. Trying to be eloquent in your response doesn’t hide the substance of what you’re saying.
Side note: I always love how conservatives, “nonpolitical” people, and “centrists” evoke 1984 imagery while also claiming that liberals are a vast and powerful, but also clumsy and weak, enemy. Almost like you use the same rhetoric on your enemies that the book you jackoff to had its sheep masses believe about their fake enemy. I’m sure that realization won’t have much impact on your programmed double-think, though.
At this point I can’t decide if Jill Stein and the green party are just useful idiots, or are actively trying to make the general election easier for the GOP
Shame that the representatives themselves can’t get hit by fines if it’s abundantly clear something was gonna be unconstitutional and unenforceable from the get-go. Threaten the fuckers with penalties they’ll actually feel for performative bullshit
To be clear, are you implying you think private entities should have to let you screech anything you want on their digital front lawn?
High-fiving each other in front of a cheering audience when asked if they’d been arrested. Party of law and order, everyone. A sprinkle of personal responsibility in there too.
renamed themselves to “Russian Federation”,
By this logic the Roman empire should just be called the Roman republic. The systems of governance might be similar and both be abhorrent, but the USSR isn’t the same as the Russian federation
and a 17th-century textbook, amateur historian David Barton recently argued that Christianity has always formed the basis of American morality and thus is essential to Texas classrooms.
Christians and lying about history, name a more iconic duo
In the 90s boomers weren’t dying off in large amounts, conservative bastions weren’t in overwhelming support of abortion rights when left to the peoples’ vote, and Texas of all places wasn’t turning purple in state-wide elections. Things have absolutely changed from a population standpoint and gop leaders have shown that they’re terrified of the millenial+Z vote, which trends significantly more liberal (and the millenial vote has not shifted conservative with age, as older generations did), now being larger than the boomer vote.
Things are absolutely changing if you pay attention to the data. That being said, it’s still something that only changes over the course of generations, and the gop’s fraternization with Christian nationalists has created a monster that they’re now losing control of. We’re at a phase where things will either start to get better because of right wing ideology losing the numbers game, or right wingers lashing out at their loss of control will lead to them taking over via less democratic means (their capture of the SCOTUS is a more tame example of what they might try).
Guns are not a political tool.
They absolutely are and pretending they’re not is stupid. They’re a last resort, but they’re still a tool that needs to be on the table if worst comes to worse. Soap box, ballot box, jury box, ammo box.
For progressives to abandon every principle they espouse and start using violence as a political tool and direct threat would mean the very last nail in the coffin.
Please, I’m engaging this conversation in good faith so don’t take my words out of context. I am not encouraging the use of violence out of hand and I think you know that. I’m encouraging a healthy respect for a tool of last resort, and a deterrent against things progressing to the point where we want to use that last resort. Armed but peaceful protests often result in less violence from the cops and alt right counter protesting, because at the end of the day they see disarmament as an invitation for violence.
There’s a reason that if you go far enough left, you start to get your guns back. Some people still understand that right wingers and the elite would prefer fascists and genocide to losing control.
Then be mad that Putin is forcing them into this situation