Could it be that people don’t want to pay money to strap advertising machines on their faces? Has the robotic Augustus Caesar LARPer lost touch with the common people?
No, it is the plebeians that are wrong.
Could it be that people don’t want to pay money to strap advertising machines on their faces? Has the robotic Augustus Caesar LARPer lost touch with the common people?
No, it is the plebeians that are wrong.
Fantastic article. Gets right to the heart of the problem. Angry people disappointed with how their lives turned out feel like they have to cling to something. Something that gives them the value that they don’t see in themselves as individuals.
Race is an easy crutch. There are centuries of bullshit pseudoscience about skull shapes and whatnot for them to discover. And most of all, it gives them enemies. They can take all that hate and frustration they feel in their own lives and direct it outwardly.
It’s ultimately sad and pathetic. Maybe if people like this had economic opportunities, better education, etc. they wouldn’t have the underlying self-loathing that leads them down this path.
Good point, but LLMs are both ubiquitous and the public face of “AI.” I think it’s fair to assign them a decent share of the blame for overpromising and underdelivering.
Yeah, OpenAI, ChatGPT, and Sam Altman have no relevance to AI LLMs. No idea what I was thinking.
You mean the multi-billion dollar, souped-up autocorrect might not actually be able to replace the human workforce? I am shocked, shocked I say!
Do you think Sam Altman might have… gasp lied to his investors about its capabilities?
My flat earther forums have a stickied Q&A where you can find the real truth on any topic. Did you know that dolphins are aliens sent to spy on us?
“Your computer might be fucked or whatever. Maybe do some shit about it. Brought to you by Carl’s Jr. We love you.”
Finally some good news. The discovery of the Prothean ruins will bring the entire world together.
The dildo of justice arrives unexpectedly and unlubed.
Zuckerberg will do a video of him smoking some thot’s ass meat. With Sweet Baby Ray’s, of course.
Top 5 marketing tactics EVERYONE hates. You won’t BELIEVE number three.
Midichlorians… Midichlorians everywhere
Routine trip. If the USN wanted to send a message, it would have sent a carrier group.
Often caused by an imbalance in brain chemicals, which can be corrected with medicine.
Get diagnosed and take your meds. It’s a world of difference.
HBIC (Head Bee In Charge)
The global wealthy elite being pedophiles conspiracy is unthinkably evil. It’s also unfortunately true. Epstein’s island proved it.
Tech company creates best search engine —-> world domination —> becomes VC company in tech trench coat —-> destroy search engine to prop up bad investments in artificial intelligence advanced chatbots
Billions and billions invested to produce accuracy slightly less than flipping a coin.
Works on my machine.
Lina Khan should be the next attorney general.