For making electric cars instead of diesel ones I suppose
For making electric cars instead of diesel ones I suppose
Eh if you want to go real efficient you just drop the heating music and light and have only non electric machines and voilà! 0W used :D
When is the early part supposed to end? Asking for a friend
Since I’m eating methanphetamine fruits my adhd is cured!!1!
Can your partner love me too?
The entirety of society is relying on selfless people giving everything they have to teach our children, this is fucked up that they aren’t payed more
And him not dying before then too
Imagine maga nuts storming McDonald’s because trump died on a bigmac
Is it the same in every country though?
My brother didnt tell me my grandmother died, I learned that a year later
Racist, the word is racist
In French melon is the name for cantaloupe 🤔
Do you have any idea how little that narrow it down?
I checked the planning of my hairdresser but unfortunately my usual isn’t available this week. it’s not the same if it’s not the regular, mostly because of the chat.
I renewed my tram card today, it expired a few months ago so I was paying full price instead of the low income price since then. I’m happy to have crossed that out of my to-do list
It’s easier when they are one ocean away, unfortunately I doubt it will work out for this reason
Unfortunately that’s too much for santa
Found the tankie /s