Makes me think of the game “Smushi Come Home”
Makes me think of the game “Smushi Come Home”
Lemmy: Torn between making fun of Segal for being fat and not being fatphobic. 😂
Yeah, and that’s understandable but this was appearing in my discover feed by default which is kinda ehhhhh. If someone is into that sure, but most people aren’t and if they see that as part of their first impression of a platform it’s probably going to be a turnoff.
That and weird furry diaper art.
Runs Debian Bookworm
Probably some more stuff I’m forgetting. It’s basically my everything box.
Adobe does anti-consumer shit. More at 11.
This argument is covered in the article.
After 30mins of inactivity my account locks and my screens blank. Few seconds after that my monitors go to standby. That’s it. I never shutdown unless something necessitates it and I only really reboot for updates if they require it. My PC basically stays on 24/7 and I’ve never had any issues. Current build has parts all the way back from 2015/2016 with no failures to speak of.
I think the point they’re getting at Is that you can’t use a self-hosted vpn to hide your piracy activity because the link is registered to yourself.
It actually is available on the website, but like most stores their mobile web experience isn’t great.
That actually made me laugh out loud. 😂
The Lowe’s app is actually really handy. You can look up any item and it will tell you the exact isle and bay it’s in for your store. No more wandering around or hunting for an employee to ask. It’s the only store app I actually keep on my phone.
I’ve been using screenfetch.
IDK man, I’ve been using it exclusively on my main desktop at home and I’ve been getting along just fine with those “not particularly good” applications.
I dicked around with the VM route for a while and could never really get it working 100% to my liking. There was always a trade-off. I ended up just getting a second PC and tucking it in a cabinet out of sight. When I need Windows I just use remote desktop to connect to it.
Discord has been consistently getting more and more unbearable.
Do your friend a favor and install Windows back on his laptop for him.
They have their uses. In particular they’re useful for easily getting applications your system repositories don’t have or getting more up to date version of applications. Downsides are certainly the space all the redundant dependencies take up and the sandboxing can be a PITA especially if you have an application that needs to run another application. Overall I think they’re the best “third party” package system available but they’re not great.
Good luck finding a 65 inch computer monitor
Remember when Google aquired YouTube and stated they didn’t intend to change anything? Remember when the only ads were those little banners you had to close? We’ve come such a long ways from where we started and what is considered “sane” these days would have been an affront back then. Google truly did slow boil the frog.