It’s like a genie’s wish. Gotta be very specific or things can go sideways lol.
It’s like a genie’s wish. Gotta be very specific or things can go sideways lol.
Sure, if blockchain was created first then it would be novel instead of novelty.
Precisely my thought. I’ve yet to see an application of block chain that hasn’t already been solved by some other technology.
He was convicted in New York so Florida doesn’t care.
I am a socialist and a vote for De La Cruz is a vote for Trump. Mathematics will never allow a third party to win in this country. Don’t let our ideals open the door for a fascist. Vote Kamala, and then try and get a socialist into office during the next democratic primary.
Pi5 may be a good solution then. Might also try a radxa x4. It has wifi 6 so more bandwidth for multiple wifi clients. Plus an m.2 slot. Only thing that sucks is there’s like no cases for it.
Yeah you can use the rpi as the router too
Probably an rpi and a travel router. But seems like the best setup would be a media server you kept at home and a VPN to connect to it from anywhere.
Some kind of Katydid I think!
Lmao. “Industry” haha. Industry. Hahahaha.