Ha, I didn’t even realised they used the systems interchangeably
Ha, I didn’t even realised they used the systems interchangeably
In Europe generally commas are used for decimals and periods for marking thousands
That’s very vague and sounds like it would mainly affect minorities in a negative way. Not that I think that’s your intention of course.
Definitely illegal in Belgium, is that not the norm elsewhere?
The way your comment is worded says you don’t know shit about firearms
Not sure why you felt the need to add this. If he did know more then he wouldn’t have needed to ask.
How 'bout that jingle from that jewellery commercial?
Excluding wods with magic in a contemporary or utopian setting, maybe some DnD world? You don’t need to have magic abilities to use magic items and plenty of settings are reasonably advanced.
Idk that sounds kinda badass
I guess so if you count using software licenses. But it’s not exactly a big secret. Not like the company is losing anything if I do.
English is a second language to me, and at this point it’s probably the only commonly used word I consistently mess up. It usually ends up something like ‘nessecairy’
Ok so we can’t use ground new because of bias. Where do you suggest we go to get our news then. I agree that there will always be some bias but surely a system that gives you news from so many sources will be less biased than sticking to just one or two sources