Wankel and Mazda shine blessings upon you and your RX family
How does. The dry herb vape through a bong compared to the regular combustion bong ?
Wow! I think is a subject that I’d going to occupy my downtime for awhile. Thanks for the in depth info, also relevant username?
Very much so! Guess I’m going down this rabbit hole before bed tonight haha. Thanks for the extra info.
Thank you so much. I think I’m kind of getting but you have some to ing I can do some more research on.
Can you ELI5 why the efficiency is so low on the RTGs?
I think it’s the “Fuck you, I got mind mentality” 🤷🏾
Edit: also not sure what the preferred hosting site is, so please let me know if I did a no-no :)
I hope she fucking takes them for a boost load! I am Salos afraid for her well being after everything that has come out about Scientology and how they treat ex members or hound those who have “wronged” them by speaking out about all the heinous shot they’ve done. I mean they were/are the largest infiltrators of our government with operation Snow White. I totally understand and get why certain countries have outlawed them from recruiting on their soil.
Thanks for m reading my rant.