Been looking for one too, but can’t even find cam recordings. Ne Zha 1 is available though, so the sequel will probably be seeded as well once its released on their streaming platforms.
Been looking for one too, but can’t even find cam recordings. Ne Zha 1 is available though, so the sequel will probably be seeded as well once its released on their streaming platforms.
Can confirm. With a dog who sheds enough hair to build a statue of himself every week, a robot vacuum has been a great help. Just make sure to get one with a self-emptying bin, or your gonna be emptying it yourself after every lap around the house, and it’ll be more tedious than just vacuuming yourself.
The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of evil.
I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilized in a planned fashion.
I just got a 4k TCL QLED TV from Costco a couple months ago. Have been quite pleased with the image quality so far, but I keep it disconnected from the internet, and only use it with my nvidia shield running the projectivity launcher as the home screen to switch between smart tube, Plex, and steam link.
Not an ad in sight.
If the phone rings, by the time I get to it they’ve usually already hung up or reached voicemail, so I only end up answering if its important enough to call me twice.
Apps that depend on talking to specific hardware ( including the GPU) do not always work in a VM.
Unless you go about setting up IOMMU groups with QEMU/KVM… (And have a second GPU to hand over to the VM.)
Does everything from GSuite that I need it to, but without looking through everything I upload, and analyzing it for advertising and other purposes that I wouldn’t consent to.
“If its Boeing, we ain’t going.”
KVM, QEMU, Looking Glass
Don’t throw bricks. Throw milkshakes.
Show them they’re just a bunch of angry nerds.
Even if they didn’t have a no-first-use policy, why would China nuke their own territory?
If you’re tech-savvy, or willing to learn, A nextcloud instance would be my goto
First OS, WinXP.
Later when win7 was discontinued, I kept windows 10 on my desktop and Ubuntu on my laptop. It wasnt until Valve started working on proton and most of the games I play became playable on Linux that I ditched windows entirely.
I distrohopped around for a while, but always found myself landing back on Ubuntu, so it’s what I’ve stuck with to this day, although if anyone else asks me what distro they should get, I will usually recommend mint.
But you can legislate on whether to stop giving that country’s military the weapons it uses to violate any ceasefire orders and continue the genocide.
Oh, but they did.
It just doesn’t resemble the bourgeois ‘democracy’ we have in the west, but rather something else entirely that better fits the 'for the people, by the people, of the people" definition of democracy.
I’m willing to bet that some techbro either already has, or will in the near future propose an Ai toilet that will do something exactly this.
Or Stargate crystal tech.