I was so hoping that was toasty the toaster! Waffles? How about a bagel?
I was so hoping that was toasty the toaster! Waffles? How about a bagel?
Paper chains around the room!
I spend too much time at my pc or driving so get lower back pain. I recently found this workout that’s really good. It’s challenging but really works well! I sometimes have to ease back a little, especially on the last part, but it still helps.
Apologies, I can’t remember how/where to get alternative YT links.
I think we need to know what the UI looks like before a selection has been made, or what it looks like when the curser is over each option. The ‘interface’ part is lost by a single screen shot.
Two women vying against each other? Regardless of political ideology, the men would create a hellstorm of bullshit beyond anything else. The candidates views and speaches would be drowned out by male commentary galore.
It’d be a gargantuan mess and no-one would really know what was actually going on, decades later even.
Yay misogyny.
Thanks Bob.
Living standards have improved for many, but at the expense of others through exploitation. Like you say, an age old story. We’re just incredibly lucky to catch a period in the history of mankind where the improvements have benefitted more than just the rich/elite.
Success in business (profit) requires exploitation, which requires few or very select morals to reach the very top. Those people you describe sound a perfect fit!
What exactly are you trying to acheive by studying an instrument? Why did you choose to learn beyond hobby level?
Your approach sounds like you see it akin to training in a skill for a job. Spend the time and money on it and at the end you can play as well as 95% of people. But then you got bored/lost direction as you didn’t go so far as to do this as a new career so there was no end goal. Looking at the kind of money you think you need to spend, that sounds like professional level stuff (hint, a 40k piano will not improve your ability! But must be nice to play!)
It is hard, and not for everyone, to practice so much. I really enjoy playing the piano, but can never find the time or energy or drive to spend the time to learn to even a half decent level. Lessons would help me, but I’ve never found myself in a place to go for it. Which I accept. I’ll never play any Franz Liszt!
I don’t get the impression music is enough of a passion for you to get a lot out of ‘studying’ as you said you dont want to work part time to do so. So my advice would be to keep practicing and push yourself to learn new music as much as you enjoy it and maybe have some lessons to keep you on track . Maybe studying will suit you later in life, but not at this time.
You also don’t sound lazy btw! Like i said, it is hard work, especially alongside a job, but doesn’t quite sound like it’s rewarding enough for you.
Not a big user of condiments so the only one I’ve come up with, and therefore technically a favourite - egg yolk and ketchup. I make it when I have a fried egg so, whatever cooked breakfast combo I’ve also made with it.
Are you conflicted about finding someone you rationality don’t find attracted to, attractive? Does it feel like you’d loose your life as you currently know it, should you end up in a relationship with them because they’re so different, resulting in you loosing those other people you refer to?
You sound like you understand the differences between both people well so that’s good. Our hormones are crazy things that throw all sorts of emtions at us! Maybe try to see this as an exercise in finding/securing what you want in life, what people etc. You clearly see this other person as not your type ultimately, but they still have that ‘thing’ that makes you a bit giddy! Enjoy it for its silliness, safe that you know you’re highly unlikely to actually choose them! :)
I spent two months or so travelling around the north and south islands and barely saw any sheep! Far more cows strangely. I didn’t feel like I had missed anything and wasn’t actively looking gor them, but it was surprising!
It amazes me that no-one ever seems to say (not that I have seen, at least)…Isreal is a western, democratic state with nuclear weapons in the middle east.
It’s basically a major power base for the west in the predominantly arab part of the world.
Anything else is a side arguement as far as I’m concerned.
It looks like cornflower and knapweed seeds of UK species, so I’d expect a relative native to that region. Sow it, they’ve got a good rate of germination so you could find out that way :)
I certainly agree that a fact simply is, noting your lack of belief, however communication is only possible through description so I suspect some somantics here. My point was that within an arguement, opinions can be extrapolated from known facts to suggest unkown/unproven facts, if only so to the individuals involved. Essentially this is that basis of any argument - to exchange ideas/possibilities etc to reach the ultimate goal of determining what is a fact.
Though, as you say, many discussions and arguments, especially in a casual scenario, are taken as exercises in ‘winning’ rather than with the aforementioned aim. I agree this is frustrating and understand your stance.
Re respect. If you respect a person (your approach being much the same as my own), does that not preculde that you respect what they say?, at least in most instances, even if they are mistaken or incorrect? Though I think there may be two points here, one re emotional beliefs & one re fact-based beliefs. The latter being more what I’ve been refering to. Emotional beliefs are much closer to pure opinion than facts.
I don’t think in terms of respect about something like this as this leans towards some kind of snobbery or predudice. Either I agree or don’t. Regardless of any perceived level of knowledge or intelligence behind an argument, I’ll respond as a point of advancing shared knowledge rather than trying to ‘win’.
Unfortunately there are many subjects where all the facts aren’t known, therefore opinions must be discussed to advance the understanding and ultimately help to establish future facts. Also, one person’s believed facts may be a misunderstanding, for example, hence why discussions and arguments may happen.
As such, there is (nearly) always a point to it!
The owl look great and I’m glad you explained what the fish was for! ;) drinks cover is a good idea too :)
Alas, I’ll never be able to afford Airwolf!
But unfortunately abuse creates deep insecurity, which creates a drive for power (control), so I think the OP isn’t far off the mark. Benevolent ruling is largely history washing imo, even if some good acts were carried out. The winner writes the history after all.
But your point is broadly fair - in most cases there is great variety in life. The ruling class, however, consists of less than 0.0001% of the global population so lies outside or the majority (figure made up for illustrstive purposes!).