This has real Calvin and Suzie vibes haha, very different from the Charlie Brown I’m familiar with
If you look up the practical application of Shadow profiles they have the ability to gather information about non-users, which also includes unborn children in the case of them discovering that the mother is pregnant through whatever web searches that they may be doing even outside of Facebook. The whole science of Shadow profiles used to strengthen the algorithm is incredibly frightening and part of the reason why I left Facebook.
It was that combined with the fact that they create shadow profiles for your unborn child when your wife is pregnant. (Found out through FB being allowed to track your browsing history even off the app). That was the final straw right after the Cambridge Analytica issue.
No sense of humor big points loss there 🤣
These trees look like they’re dropping a phat new album
I’m so pissed at Google, we got it like 5 years ago and it was half decent but it feels like they’ve been enshittifying the assistant so that way they can phase it out for gEmInI before they sunset it completely I’m sure. 🤮
Smart move regardless
I remember when the Cell arc started when I was in like 5th grade on Cartoon Network and Trunks was introduced. I always thought curtain hair was super cool at the time and he also had a dope jacket and a sweet sword. Not to mention a gritty backstory being trained by a BADASS Gohan in a dystopic wasteland. Future Trunks gets my vote all day every day.
Seconded I’m ready to take notes at 33
Jet - Not even once
I used to have to do the same thing for my niece when she was playing the DS remake, I guess some things never change haha
First video game I remember playing was Super Mario World in about 1996, when I got a used Super Nintendo for Christmas. It blew my mind and I remember being so impressed when my older brother showed me how to get to Star World, haha
Wow this thing looks rad as hell hahaha