I loved the labels. Testtomcels.
I loved the labels. Testtomcels.
You sound like an attentive cat carer. Cat was lucky to have you. The point of all this is different for everyone, but cats are a big part of the point for me. Maybe for you, you can give more cats a good life as well. When you’re ready of course, you may need time to grieve.
What are some fun or useful things you print? I see a lot of prints online that are toys or action figures, and that’s pretty neat but I usually am not impressed with the quality.
Which is why I think emojis are fine. I just think traditional writing does not qualify as a poor medium.
I have nothing against moderate emoji use that accompanies coherent text, but I disagree that texting is a poor medium for communication. We’ve been effectively writing for thousands of years. It’s a skill that can be difficult for some people, and can take practice to become good at, but that doesn’t make it a bad medium.
If someone stumbles across something like this and is influenced by it, I think odds are extremely great that they were already of a similar mindset. If it preached violence or bigotry or anytime I’d see more of an issue.
I’m 265 and 5’9", and I spent my whole life feeling like this was my fault. I’ve changed my diet, I’ve tried exercising, but I was always met with extreme difficulty. I thought exercise was supposed to be difficult and I was just a big baby. People would say, you just have to build up stamina. It gets easier. But it never did. It would get to the point where I’d be crying and pushing myself and still not accomplishing as much exercise as even an average unfit person could. I’d walk a few miles every day and never build stamina, never feel better, never lose weight.
I just found out I have an issue with my pituitary gland, likely a tumor (going for a scan). I just had the tests to confirm the issue is in my pituitary (the tests were miserable). I’m actually not producing certain hormones, so it turns out I’m incapable of building muscle. That’s why I can’t build stamina or convert my fat into muscle. I’ve been told this was “almost certainly” my issue for 2 months, (after my mom, aunts, and cousins were all diagnosed; we likely share a genetic defect causing pituitary tumors) and I’ve had the confirmed test results for over 2 weeks. It’s really hard to shift my perspective away from “this is my fault, I just need to try harder.” I expect to battle with health insurance a couple weeks to months before getting my hormone replacement. My mom only took 2 weeks (averages 2 months), so fingers crossed.
I’ve always thought more people were overweight for medical reasons than assumed by the general population, I just didn’t think I was one of them. I see a lot of moms like me hustling after their toddlers, eating well, trying their best, and still being overweight. I wonder if it has something to do with all the “endocrine disruptors” I’m always hearing about. I definitely think some people are overweight “by choice” (or by a mental disorder rather than a physical one), and I have major problems with “fat positivity” (I believe in body neutrality), but I think it’s more people having a medical problem than you’d expect. Same with my wife and child who both eat like horses but have BMIs of 13. It’s not like they’re not trying to gain weight.
I read things like this (or try to) and I think, just let him be. The most powerful thing that can help someone is what they think works for them. There’s no need to tear it down if it’s not harmful to others.
I can see the obvious problems with a repost bot reposting things without contemplation but one thing I would like to point out is that the comments in the AITA threads are often not likely to reach OP anyway. They get into the thousands and OP doesn’t read all of them, of course. I think they act more as a hypothetical discussion amongst the commenters, primarily. Which I think is really interesting on its own. I think discussing even hypothetically who would be at fault in such a scenario (especially considering many of these stories are obviously fake to begin with) has become the main point in the main attraction of the subreddit.
That said, I don’t think we need bots. Not for that kind of thing. I feel like anyone can post hypothetical scenarios in many communities, and we’d get good discussions and insights.
My 6 year old was asking me about this a few weeks ago. He’s asking, how do our minds work? How did we come to be thinking and feeling and thinking about thinking? He says, “I know we’re made of cells, but how did the cells… find their voice?” He’s so fun.
Like a year prior to this, I stayed up all night trying to Google it, I guess for some reason I thought the answer would be a little clearer but apparently it’s highly debated and mostly unknown.
I read it as “looser restrictions on cannibals” due to bad eyesight, and laughed out loud figuring it was a typo before I saw the joint picture.
This article clarifies that they sometimes do and sometimes do not include a head covering, so thanks for that clarification. The information under the rationale heading is what I had in mind when making my comment. I was in a Christian cult that controlled the way we dressed, and wanted us all to be very uniform (no personality, that would detract from God’s message) and modest (we’d be tempting men of skirts weren’t long, etc.).
The accompanying image appears to be showing a head covering? I am visually impaired though so correct me if I’m wrong.
I feel like conflicted is the “correct” way to feel. On one hand, the government is literally enforcing clothing laws. On the other hand, this may prevent children from being forced into something they did not choose. I feel like a religion wrapping up your child in cloth so they lose their individually as a human being is cult-like behavior.
It would be better if the religion just wasn’t allowed to make them do this, but then they would just “suggest” women do this. This “suggestion” of course is actually coercion at best.
I worship the lovely soup.