Sometimes my car decides to play some radio before connecting to my phone. It’s an unfortunate side-effect of owning a not-too-nice car.
Radio DJs are little more than advertising agents nowadays. Or worse, wannabe entertainers.
Sometimes my car decides to play some radio before connecting to my phone. It’s an unfortunate side-effect of owning a not-too-nice car.
Radio DJs are little more than advertising agents nowadays. Or worse, wannabe entertainers.
Making car-pedestrian collisions safe is a ridiculous idea failed to doom from the start. Cars are big and hard, people are small and squishy.
I think the key is to prevent cars and people from coexisting as much as possible.
And she absolutely kills it.
I wouldn’t buy an automatic bike, coz I ride bikes for fun.
The daily get-to-work shitbox? I don’t want to babysit the gearbox, just do your thing while I chill to some tunes.
Also no one else being there.
Also being in my home.
Also getting to work in pants.
So I guess nothing, then 👌
The only reason you get that title, on either count, is that we decided to brexit.
(Using the word “decided” in the widest possible sense)
That’s what they always say, but no one considers the starting conditions.
Imagine you’re fighting a dead fat guy. Sounds easy, right? 300kg of dead weight just waiting for you to bury your fists in it.
But now imagine the fat guy starts next to you, standing. Can you stop 300kg of dead flabby dude from burying you? Didn’t think so. You’re gonna die a gruesome suffocating death under some guy’s quadruple chin because you didn’t consider the implications.
Come on. Be better, people.
I thought you fed on sovereignty like the rest of us?
You’re missing out, bruvva
No it wouldn’t. Phones aren’t cheap.