Republicans doing a real good job giving a peek into what voting Red will do for them this year
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Republicans doing a real good job giving a peek into what voting Red will do for them this year
PC part prices are already extremely high, how in the hell can anyone build or buy anything with prices so high?
Amazon has turned to utter shit these days. They’ve been requiring you to show your ID to get a refund. Getting asked by some Indian dude who I can barely understand a picture of my government issued ID sure doesn’t feel comforting.
Invest in actual public transportation: I sleep
Invest in an overly expensive alternative to trains: REAL SHIT
Fuck both of those companies, but overall a good ruling.
The richer the country, the less children are born per-household. The one-child policy couldn’t have helped either
There was an attempt at nation building and it didn’t go well. Afghanistan and the Middle East is a culturally complicated place, it’s mostly tribes and smaller villages with a lot of history. It’s hard to point fingers at the US for leaving when a decent chunk of the country either didn’t care, or didn’t want them there anymore.
More like the US showed up a day late with a billion dollars and wrecked house. Flipped the war against the Axis on multiple fronts and essentially 1v1’d Japan
I actually didn’t expect Disney to respect public domain. Everyone 100% has the right to absolutely shit on them for strangling copyright law all these years, though.