If that happens, it will be forked
Does it matter? At the end of the day it’s still money put in to open source.
I agree. The artstyle is great, but it unfortunately doesn’t have enough runtime to flash out a good story.
overwriting the whole drive would fix that
doesn’t just overwriting the data work?
client or server side?
both don’t show anything weird
manually setting my ip usually fixed it, but not this time
the Neo experience
Will a wireguard docker image work for getting ssh access to my server?
None, I have more problems with cloudflare gatekeeping me lately.
Bold of you to assume, that people only have one account.
I usually just list the output of yay -Q separated by a " + ".
The free transfer would be hard to enforce.
Best I can do is have a bearded man expose you as a thief to your neighbours, only to have have his friends party at your home at a later point in time.
A bearded stranger told me to throw away a ring.
The battery might prove to be a liability.
Thank you, I was wondering, what that stuff was