Es gab auf mastodon mal einen Bot, der Petitionen die kurz vor knapp waren geteilt hat. Leider ist der inaktiv.
Crosspost in ! ?
Es gab auf mastodon mal einen Bot, der Petitionen die kurz vor knapp waren geteilt hat. Leider ist der inaktiv.
Crosspost in ! ?
Absolut okay und sinnvoll.
Die bekommt leider keine Aufmerksamkeit oder Fahrt 🥲
Die ganzen Solar-/Energiespeicher-/EE-Petitionen gehen wiederum durch die Decke, weil da die eigene Geldbörse betroffen ist 🧐.
These sharepics are simply not exhaustive. Having example alternatives and then pointing to one of three comparison websites, might be a better approach. But this would also be more convoluted.
Meindl and haix for hiking and work wear.
Actually you can modify this in the basic settings.
Hi, I’m using since several years, for two familly accounts and business.
They got temprorary anonymous e-Mails which will expire every n month or so, unless you navigate in the menu and extend the period every n month.
I used it several years ago for scientific writing. It was good back then and it is good now.
The problem is the adoption in companies/institutions that fear to miss out on something if they don’t use Office. Sadly Office files are still the business/office standard (until businesses step up and encourage people to use open document formats).