Not worth the risk for me to find out lol. My granddaddy stored his data on WD drives and his daddy before him, and my daddy after him. Now I store my data on WD drives and my son will to one day. Such is life.
Tit for tat plus 10% forgiveness
I know it sucks to buy another thing. But a Bluetooth mouse would fix your issue. I had the same problem and evenually had to cave and buy a wireless Bluetooth mouse.
Who else would be in charge of a man making the decision to let others go ahead of himself? It is a self made decision, and a selfless one. So of course he is the one making the decision. A woman could just as easily make this decision, if she did would you still be saying “well of course she did, she’s the one on charge!”. I hope not. You just don’t like the fact that when shit hits the fan, oftentimes men are the ones who step up and help others and even sacrifice themselves. Have whatever qualms you will with men, but at least give them credit where they deserve it.
I don’t agree. For ages in any life or death situation it is woman and children first. Men are the strongest of the bunch, any respectable man is putting his children and wife onto a lifeboat before themselves. You’d have a hard time finding a father/husband who wouldn’t.
America dumb.
I just bought a new tv and don’t have a shield or anything yet. Came from a 15 year old insignia dumb tv. New one is a tcl qm751g, it’s pretty great so far. The ui is alright but literally all I’ve used is Netflix. Will probably build a small pc for it in the future so I can play in 4k 120/144. In the meantime I have a crappy laptop I can HDMI to the tv in 1080p and use remote play on steam to stream games from my pc downstairs. I’m still trying to figure out which options here cost the least and get the most. As far as hardware and ad free etc goes. Ps5? Stick with old laptop? Build a new pc? Lug gaming pc upstairs? Idk lol but for now the tv’s built in ui and Netflix is working.
Hahaha that’s great. I love Finland, thanks for the sauna’s!
Umm I forgot.
Yeah it’s a shame. I’ve been vaping for 14 Yeats now and seen the whole story unfold. It really sucks.
Yeah I had my kids at 30 also. Definitely agree
It’s just more difficult when you’re older.
How old are you?
We live in a fucking nightmare. Rich assholes wining and dining with robots while most of the world fucking suffers. It’s actually crazy. We are bringing into our reality what was just a bad dream like 50 years ago. This is just wild man.
Yeah I watched a short news clip with him in it and he said they are attached to concrete that goes 8 feet down.
You nailed it
I wouldnt say most are two stroke. In fact most mowers available for purchase at your local hardware store are going to be 4 stroke if not all of them. 2 stroke lawnmowers are a thing of the past. Everyone wants 4 stroke and self propelling now.