Not sure what jurisdiction you are referring to (and I didn’t see the unblurred plate so idk where this is), but I have looked up the owners of several vehicles just from their plate number in the United States.
Not sure what jurisdiction you are referring to (and I didn’t see the unblurred plate so idk where this is), but I have looked up the owners of several vehicles just from their plate number in the United States.
Correct, but that doesn’t mean TikTok would be inaccessible if they didn’t have servers in the US. My point is that the federal government doesn’t have the ability to completely limit access to a foreign website. It would be very slow and they’d lose users, sure, but they could keep running as usual from outside the US and still remain accessible to people inside the US.
They cannot take down a domain registered with a registry and registrar outside their jurisdiction. They could try and compel domestic DNS providers to block queries for that domain, but there are numerous providers who are unlikely to comply with that request on grounds of the 1st amendment.
Given that the OP is about TikTok (a foreign website) being blocked in the United States, your point has limited relevance here. Further, if the website was hosted stateside they could just physically seize the servers themselves.
I said “currently”. Sure, the US could pass legislation that would require ISPs to implement that ability. I said they do not currently have that ability, and you seem to be disagreeing because it is hypothetically possible for the US to build its own great firewall. I do not want to assume your intentions but it appears you may have misinterpreted my message.
What I said is still correct. The point of my comment was that the US should not pass legislation to build a great firewall.
And that’s all it should be. Currently, the US government does not have the facilities to block traffic to specific websites or IP addresses on a country-wide basis. We don’t have a “great firewall” the way China does, and we should keep it that way.
I think it was Paranormal Home Inspectors
I remember a TV show where a home inspector would show up to “haunted” houses and explain how all their supposed ghost stories were actually due to loose doors, bad plumbing, etc.
Internet Archive Duplicati (FOSS backup software)
These changes only affect the Fleet API. TeslaFi is fine for now.
what?? They just scanned my drivers license when I went. Was there an option not to use it? That would probably make me walk out and rent from somewhere else.
When you get home from work, sometimes it’s nice to decompress for a few minutes before going in to start on chores/dinner/whatever. Especially if you have roommates or children that will immediately require your attention when you go inside.
If he gets assassinated, they may replace him with a somewhat competent candidate. I think he stands a pretty good chance of losing, let’s keep him in the race until November.
There are several factors to consider when choosing materials in a nuclear plant. For things that aren’t in direct proximity to the reactor core, neutron activation (becoming radioactive) is less of a concern. Aluminum produces hydrogen gas when exposed to boric acid, which presents an explosion risk. Certain chemical compounds can cause corrosion to plant equipment, even a Sharpie marker could corrode a valve or pipe and cause issues over the 50 year life span of a plant.
Half-Life 2
I’m too young to have played the original as a kid, but I have fond memories of coming home from school to play HL2 on my shitty laptop.
We’ve had them here in Phoenix since before the pandemic. They operate just like Uber, except they’re cheaper and there’s no driver. You can sit in any seat besides the driver seat, and store items in the trunk of the vehicle. You can pair your phone with the car and play your own music on the speakers. Pretty good experience all things considered. The cars are pretty good at finding a place to stop and load/unload passengers, but sometimes they will drive right past you when finding a place to park and you have to walk 10-15 feet to the car.
Join a Discord server for your city if it has one. Make casual conversation with the people there, attend/plan meetups, and suddenly you have real-life friends.
I met most of my closest friends through my school’s Discord server while I was in college.
(It doesn’t have to be Discord, it can be a Facebook/Reddit/etc. community too. Discord is just the most common option for younger people.)
My great grandfather’s grave is still around and he died in the ‘80s, in a cemetery in a highly populated part of my city. Right next to him is his son that was killed in Vietnam in the ‘60s.
Depends on region of course, but I think most graves are around for much longer than 6 years.
This is such a poor attempt at trolling. Don’t you have better things to do?
It is simpler when you’re doing stuff on the web and/or need to scale.
Here’s a higher res version