I have the soundcore liberty 4, and I also really like it. Way better than the raycons I had.
I have the soundcore liberty 4, and I also really like it. Way better than the raycons I had.
Beast Wars is my GOAT Transformer series. I figured it was nostalgia, but I rewatched during the pandemic and it honestly held up better than I remember. Even the weird early digital animation is impressive in context. So many interesting characters and motivations, too. And the sweetest extra on top is Megatron’s dialogue. Yeeeeess!
Sweetened, doesn’t particularly matter with what. Though I think my favorite has been a honey/citron/ginger tea from Costco. No caffeine, but the flavor was immaculate.
That’s a wild question, cause for me and most of the people I know, a fantasy version of myself with double my income would mean not worrying about groceries, maybe a short trip out of the country once a year, being able to pay off debts, and affording some medical procedures that we’ve been putting off. Maybe saving some money so my kid isn’t homeless in a few decades. Not some life of leisure.
To answer your question, though, it would be categorically worse.
Super Lemon Haze is my #1, too. When I first started smoking, I thought I’d never be able to tell strains apart, but that always hits just right for me.
I mostly vape now, since I have a kid and my partner is also sensitive to smells. However, my favorite is a stone bowl/wood stem pipe she bought me for father’s day two years ago. It gives big wizard vibes and makes me slow down to enjoy the ritual of smoking.
Not Australian, but looking through the proposal, it seemed pretty basic. It’s pretty sad that even a relatively toothless measure like this couldn’t pass. Though I’m definitely not throwing stones, I’m in America.
My first was a Rattata from bootleg pack since Grandma didn’t know better. Favorite was a foil Kabutops in Japanese.
[7] Eh, it’s not inactive. Not as active as reddit, sure. Just kind of a different pace.
I don’t play Magic, but that issue definitely overlaps with tabletop gaming. Early into my start into the hobby, I played in a public campaign at my FLGS and the whole table was kind of sad stereotypes. Thankfully on my way out that night, I met some other folks who were looking for another player in their private game and they were all more socially adept, sanitary, and welcoming.
I’m generally not a “both sides” person, but if anything has become obvious in the last several months/years, the majority of establishment Dems are just as bad when it comes to holding onto power. RBG, Feinstein, Pelosi, Biden. MAGA has been cultivating their next generations, and now the Dems seem convinced they need to move right despite seemingly everything and everyone telling them they abandoned the working class and the economy sucks regardless of the stock market.