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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: February 26th, 2024


  • Basically- he has done it, but we’re not sure if he’s allowed to.

    Trump issued an executive order directing the relevant party (the Board on Geographic Names, part of the Department of the Interior) to change the name back to Mt McKinley. Controlling the names of geographic landmarks is a power that Congress delegated to the BoGN, so that they didn’t have to hold a vote on every single item. The Unitary Executive theory posits that, since the president is the head of the executive branch, any power delegated to any part of the executive branch is ultimately under the control of the president.

    If Congress cared more about their own institutional power instead of partisan power, they would rebuke the attempt and clarify that, no, they set up a process and deviations from that process will not be tolerated.

    My take on the likely outcome - people will sue (not sure if lawsuits have been filed yet or not), it’ll work its way up through the courts, the judicial branch will rule that disagreements between political branches is outside the purview of the courts (basically saying that if Congress doesn’t like what’s happening, they have the power to change the laws, so it’s up to them), and, since Congress is controlled by R’s, the name change will stand.

  • I tend to agree. Admittedly without having thought too deeply about how it would work, I kinda think there needs to be 2 internets: one that is anonymous and one that isn’t. The anonymous one is vital for people to be able to freely dissent from and protest their government, etc. The non-anonymous one would be, as you said, something that can assess responsibility back to specific people. Idk. I’m just spit balling. Fascism, through unchecked capitalism, is killing the Internet. 🫤