I thought every song on the radio was being performed live somewhere
The only way for a working class person to have any financial security is to join or build a strong union with other working class people. The rich/powerful/elites will always be able to crush us if we don’t work together
Yeah… I’m not gonna put that kinda message out there I don’t want to encourage people
It sounds more old fashioned every year. What does “your welcome” even mean. No problem makes more sense and feels more natural
Why is Biden so angry and anxious then? Does he need a lexapro prescription? Is he maybe having nightmares about all the blood on his hands?
“Listen jack the soul of the nation is more important than one election. And the soul of this nation craves genocide”
Biden should keep his campaign promise of not seeking a 2nd term
USA doesn’t give a fuck about other countries sovereignty when it goes murdering across the globe
Manufacturing genocidal sentiment. Death to america
Don’t eat. Or eat only a small amount right when you wake up. Also no caffeine or sugary drink and maybe take nyquil
Wtf is jesus waiting for it’s been 2000 years
Yeah why negotiate now while we still have hundreds of thousands of lives to throw into the meat grinder.
Heavens to Betsy sigh
Every lib’s real values: white people invaded=the good guys
Brown/Black people invaded=it’s complicated
Do you have a rebuttal to the argument or are you just trolling?
After Iranian gunboats opened fire on the Bahamas-flagged tanker Richmond Voyager on July 5, the Pentagon finally lost patience. It announced it would deploy a destroyer and F-16 and F-35 fighters to reinforce US forces – including F-22 stealth fighters and a pair of destroyers – already in the Middle East. The extra forces would “defend US interests and safeguard freedom of navigation in the region,” Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said.
Is the Bahamas a protectorate of the United States? If these tankers wanna wave the bahamian flag then they should go to the bahamian Navy for help
american healthcare will continue to suck as long as politicians are friends instead of enemies of private health insurance. as long as both parties are on the payroll of big insurance we’re all getting screwed
Would medicare for all be a good next step to push for? Are any progressive politicians putting forth a viable plan for getting us closer to universal healthcare?
I don’t understand how that addresses campaign finance.
Even under socialism it will still be essential for the people to keep a close eye on their chosen representatives (and also other leaders such as those in the leading revolutionary party), but it will no longer be virtually impossible for those representatives to truly represent the interests of the people
How will these representatives be chosen? Well they be able to campaign and will there be a limit to how much they can spend on a campaign?
If direct democracy is what you’re advocating, how can that work? Does every citizen have to spend an hour reading legislation every day then vote through an app on their phone?