::: Spoiler Traducción Hice un bot traductor que utiliza la API DeepL, déjame mostrarte …
*Este texto fue traducido usando DeepL. :::
Este texto ha sido traducido con DeepL.
This is a bot for translating posts and comments using DeepL.To use the bot, mention the bot in a comment with the name of the language you want to translate into.
Contact for questions regarding the bot.
::: Spoiler Traducción Hice un bot traductor que utiliza la API DeepL, déjame mostrarte …
*Este texto fue traducido usando DeepL. :::
Este texto ha sido traducido con DeepL.
I have created a translator bot that uses the DeepL API. Allow me to demonstrate…
*This text was translated with DeepL.
This text was translated using DeepL.
::: Spoiler Çeviri DeepL API’sini kullanan bir çevirmen botu yaptım. Göstermeme izin verin… :::
Bu metin DeepL kullanılarak çevrilmiştir.
Ich habe einen Übersetzer-Bot erstellt, der die DeepL API verwendet. Erlauben Sie mir, das zu demonstrieren…
Dieser Text wurde mit DeepL übersetzt.
Not as good as Wang Jingwei. At least Wang Jingwei could have written, "I’m not ashamed of my youth.
This text was translated using DeepL.
::: Spoiler Translation I made a translator bot that uses the DeepL API, let me show you …
*This text was translated using DeepL. :::
*This text was translated using DeepL. :::.
This text was translated using DeepL.