I’ve seen a VHDL implementation of the Z80 on the net. It is so old, it’s last fixes were from 19 years ago…
I’ve seen a VHDL implementation of the Z80 on the net. It is so old, it’s last fixes were from 19 years ago…
There is no safe place in Gaza. On purpose. It is the IDF hunt&kill zone, nothing more, nothing less. Who does not get shot or bombed will get starved on purpose.
“Thanks for the tax breaks, but now we are off to the next tax breaks”
There is a very big difference between the headline of “Bird flu virus found in pasteurized milk” and the real message “fragments of the bird flu virus had been detected in some samples of pasteurized milk in the U.S.”. Turning potential health hazards and threats into harmless particles is the very job of pasteurizing. That is excactly why we pasteurize milk.
Heck, the virus particles could even evoke immune reactions, thus vaccinating us in a natural way. Just by drinking milk.
I bought and installed gallery rails in the living room. We wanted to completely re-arrange alle the framed stuff there, and I didn’t want to turn the wall into swiss cheese. The hooks I’ve bought have been a bit beefy for some things I needed to hang, so I had to put a few of them to the grinder, but all in all this made the walls very neat, and easily to rearrange later.
That alone should be a reason not to hand him over to the US.
I don’t think “not being able to expand” is currently high on their list of worries in Grünheide. The more dire topic is that they might be closed down for environmental issues, as the communities threaten to cut them off the public sewer system for repeated violations.
Nice. Now I’m waiting for all the Rust or whatever “safe” languages environments for embedded systems to fall from the sky. And please some that actually work on small processors with little memories.
A few years ago, I saw a cheap GSM adapter for a PC for e.g. emergency messages of the server. It was cheap, as it only supported 3G. Luckily, I checked availability of 3G before I bought it, as it would have been a doorstopper here.
OK, that is USA. They have been a bit backwards for a long time, so this is not a surprise.
2G? That is a word I have not heard in a long time.
It was an NI. A Natural Intelligence.
There are tools with which you can drive out the pins. They are only good for straight bands, not the tapered ones (unless you don’t care for the looks).
In a way, this happened to my daughter. She is studying in a foreign country, the courses are in English (not our native language), and of course she is writing all her papers in English, too. Which she is very good at, so the texts are usually perfect from a language point of view. She had already been rated “native speaker” in school although she actually isn’t, and worked as an editor on an English language story website back then, fixing American and British native speakers’ spelling problems).
Other students actually asked her what AI she was using to write her papers. Guess who was seriously pissed…
Good. Lock them up and throw the key in the gutter.
I like scientific cooking. I’m a big fan of Sebastian Lege, who is a cook and food designer, and who knows all the little chemical tricks of the food industry. I wish he would publish a cook book: On the left, a recipe for the dish as made by a professional chef with normal ingredients, on the right the recipe for the same dish as made by the food industry.
I remember one show where he made “Banana Milk”. The banana flavor was made from vinegar, some alcohol, and some other acid…
Just today, I applied one of his ideas. I made a Chinese dish with chicken, and added baking powder to the marinade made from soy sauce, ginger, garlic, honey, salt, oil, and chili. And it was amazing!
I don’t know the exact numbers but: I frequently used a VAX11/780. Its main components were two enclosures (CPU and Memory), each about a square meter in footprint and somewhere in the range of 1.6m high (IIRC). Both had their power delivered as 3x380V (i.e. European three-phase power) into the power supply part (the lower half to 2/3rds of those blocks) which turned it into rock solid 5V - and a LOAD of heat, which meant the room also needed some extra strong AC.
That thing was an 8MHz cpu with 8MB of RAM.
I’m still waiting to see something real being computed in a quantum computing device instead of just useless “quantum computing benchmarks”.
So far, they have only produced the worlds most expensive not-even-hello-world devices.
Conservatives are afraid. They (at least the professionals and the GOP as an organisation) are well aware that they are on course to get irrelevent in the future. Not only are their politicians getting older, their voter base is getting older and shrinking. So the try everything in the book to stay relevant: Gerrymandering, reducing access to the voting process fro people who are unlikely to vote for them, etc. And as we all know, fear, or worse, existencial dread, leads to hate for the other side, the group of people seen as their very threat to their existence.
They are basically cornered rats, clawing and biting the pest control man.