Note the complete 180 in priorities since the Russian’s arrest. It may as well be a FAGMAN product soon.
Note the complete 180 in priorities since the Russian’s arrest. It may as well be a FAGMAN product soon.
Send one my way, please
Seconding this. The figures are too rubbery for headlines like this to have any meaning.
No post replies in LW Technology for 7 days.
but if you have a problem with the wages, just tip more.
enabler | noun
en·abler i-ˈnā-b(ə-)lər
: one that enables another to achieve an end especially : one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior (such as substance abuse) by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behavior
sharing - this one is key. I use a shared shopping list and we both need to add and edit.
Get jotting with your friends in seconds: https://pad.disroot.org/
A Boeing suicide…
A crass nickname for the CIA Prize for Journalism if I ever saw one.
Or put another way, it’s enabling advertisers to better camouflage themselves as humans. (Because we just cannot have people communicating directly to each other on the web…)
No, Mr Mangione! A Fortune 500 executive is a living, enterprising creature!
I don’t care…heheheh <ebike swerves onto sidewalk>
Competitor lobbying doesn’t even enter into it, I’d guess.
The US State Department won’t tolerate Americans being exposed to media that doesn’t adhere to its view of the world. What large groups of Americans think - and vitally, the bounds of what they are permitted to think - is a national security ‘issue’ in the eyes of the state. No such problem exists with Facebook, cable news, the establishment newspapers, etc. As Chomsky teaches, propaganda is equally about what isn’t in the news.
I got the feeling Arkane was always shit at org politics, to be honest. Creative energy without corporate strategy. Big shame.
Take this social media law, plus the software backdoor nonsense from a few years ago, and I can’t help but see a clear message emerging from legislators to Australian developers who’d seek to build great digital spaces and tools: Do not domicile anything in this country. Do not host anything on servers in this country. Expect hostility from authorities toward the anonymity, security, and privacy of the people using your code.
I hope you’re wrong, and they’re going to arbitarily apply the law to King Doge and Zuck, with everyone else getting ignored.
What I find intriguing is the potential for fediverse/decentralized service uptake amongst Australians, should the corporate providers decide it’s too much bother implementing an identity solution for 26m people and simply rangebans them.
In an alternate universe, parents are devoting 10 per cent of their doomscrolling time to studying their router manuals and determining access windows for social media on their LAN. But why obtain a gram of education to address a serious parenting issue when a ton of democracy-threatening legislation driven by politics will achieve a quarter of the same thing?
You’ll find that these professions have a vested interest in maintaining network effects, and as such will view Mast/Blue as threats to their networking infrastructure. They don’t want to dilute the importance of the platform their patronage systems rely on (let alone destroy it) - in fact its centrality is why they leverage it to advance their careers. Artists I can see understanding platform agnosticism to some extent, but for the other two groups, it’s simply not in their DNA. The gatekeeping is a feature for them.
‘The medium is the message’ as a Canadian theorist once said.
The domain is leased to SEO lizards https://larslofgren.com/forbes-marketplace/
Lots of banned artist and album names that will return zero results, unless you do something like search for a song or two that’s on the album you want and finding the data that way.
The only objectionable hurdles are the insurmountable ones
Let us share products, offers and rewards you might like to help stores personalize your shopping.
This sentence is a masterpiece of omission.
Smear campaign
A smear campaign, also referred to as a smear tactic or simply a smear, is an effort to damage or call into question someone’s reputation, by propounding negative propaganda.[1] It makes use of discrediting tactics. It can be applied to individuals or groups. Common targets are public officials, politicians, political candidates, activists, and ex-spouses. The term also applies in other contexts, such as the workplace.[2] The term smear campaign became popular around 1936.[3] [Wikipedia[
YT will likely attempt to play creators and viewers off one another. Similar to how hospitality does so with patrons and staff re: tips. You could see a FUD campaign aimed at anyone republishing their work on competitor sites.
These articles always get me thinking about filesharing doomsday. That theoretical point in time when our governments go full China and enact their own national firewalls/other scheme of effective P2P connection surveillance; when you need to know for certain that you’ve downloaded enough (and that your storage game is good enough) to last decades of leisure time, perhaps even a lifetime’s worth.