Eh I tried it but it’s rather shit imo: sbmm rampant, guns have 0 recoil and smgs are effective on full auto till 200m, vehicles feel like plastic toys and accelerate way too quickly.
Better off replaying the older bf games.
Eh I tried it but it’s rather shit imo: sbmm rampant, guns have 0 recoil and smgs are effective on full auto till 200m, vehicles feel like plastic toys and accelerate way too quickly.
Better off replaying the older bf games.
Yes you’ll cope better with technology you grew up with, but technology is also an exponential cure. For about 5500 years a guy on a horse was the fastest messaging system, then we went from beeps through a cable to video calls within 200 years.
I’ve been streaming torrents trough stremio with as little as 5 seeds just fine. So most likely yeah
The glass will break after a while from the heat if you just let it stand there.
Pike is hitscan, as is any actual gun except the ks and sniper.
But i don’t think just showing ping will fix anything within the finals with how shit the servers have become over the last updates.
Why not disable apps going to your homescreen instead?
You definitely feel the difference between a blank and an actual round, blanks barely have any recoil since there is no mass being accelerated forwards to create an equal and opposite reaction. That’s why guns in most movies look like airsoft guns even if they are actual guns
Eh I’m not sure if my friend considered losing a character He spent quite some days fleshing out within 30 minutes of playing an interesting story but I guess it was for the rest of the table.
Ah that sucks to hear, in my case it was 2 years of doctors recommending to keep pushing my boundaries which let to it worsening severely, sadly had to drop out of uni in my final year.
Until I got one of our countries leading experts who is now using me as a guinea pig so to speak. Expirimental meds did worsen some parts of it, but luckily that faded each time I stopped taking them.
Currently praying I don’t get male lactation and man boob growth which is one of the possible side effects of the current test XD
Yeah, by doing something so stupid even the DM doesn’t know how to keep your ass alive without breaking immersion.
That throwing random shit at the wall really sticks with me ATM, currently trialing my 3rd expirimental med for an upcoming clinic and it’s all just medication somebody received for other purposes that also seemed to have a positive effect on their longcovid symptoms.
So far none have been satisfactory but hey we keep trying.
Yes that’s the entire point of the game. Nice mix of stealth and blasting your way trough hordes of them
Or a different blue light filter system, my phone has 3 separate sliders: orange tint, gray-scale and paper texture. The main slider controls all 3 so at max setting everything is black and white paper with an orange tint.
Selling the prototype was only a small part of the issue. They also tried to ruin the brand by testing it on hardware it was explicitly said not to be compatible with, later stating that it was not worth $500 to redo those tests. And then went on to state they had come to an agreement with said company to reimburse them, which turned out to be false. They had just sent their first email in ages to them minutes before posting that statement.
Has been owned by Google for quite some time now, but traffic or accidents reported by users in Waze still take quite some time to show up on Google maps.
I mean it seems totally on brand for Linus, especially after auctioning off 1 of 1 prototypes he promised to give back months ago. Only to hide behind the fact the auction was for charity.
Well my body does not produce enough cortisol on its own so that might track
Might explain why I can barely gain weight, once had a camp week where me and a friend had the exact same food intake and exercise but he gained 2kg while I lost 3kg.
Sofar doctors have thought I just had a fast metabolism but seems like there could be more at play.
Spotify is the only reason I don’t pirate 99% of my music (the other 1% is still played through it). Would go back to creating my own library
Still think it’s a bit different, steam is essentially a store so I’m expecting to see a promotional banner when I walk in. Windows is a “paid” product that shows you more ads on something you already “own”.