Yeah, it’s spamming that guys phone to get get is spcial security number.
Yeah, it’s spamming that guys phone to get get is spcial security number.
I’m 28 and i can barely figure out how to order from the stupid kiosks at McDonald’s. It took my brither and I ages to figure out how to order a breakfast meal with a mocha in a road trip, and after a lot of arguing and swearing i still didnt end up with the meal i wanted. I should have just used the bathroom and used the drive through because the attendant actually understands how to use the system.
I’m saying that those who create are entitled to the value of what they create. If a company asks to look iver some of your work before hiring you, says that they aren’t interested, and then you see them using that work afterwards i doubt you would be saying “well, information should be free”.
If you want to write stories, draw pictures, make movies or webshows and distribute then for free ti everyone, then that’s a noble initiative, but creatives depend on what they create for their livelyhood.
How is creating a popular a novel any different than creating a popular object? Hundreds of hours of labor go into both and the creators are entitled to the full value of said labor.
Say you have an amazing story about the vacation you took last year, and told all your friends about it. You would justifiably be pissed if you later found out one of your friends was telling that story as if they had done it. It’s the same for someone who writes a book or any other form of media.
It’s an offshore wind turbine. They are way larger than onshore ones.
There is nothing that makes Texans harder than anything Californian coming to Texas. It validates the one way rivalry Texas has with California.
If you are ready to uave your kind blown, that is only one nostril. The other nostril is located inside their skull and is how whales and dolphins vocalize and echolocate.
Well, i am a single guy living paycheck to paycheck, so buying bulk isn’t really an option. I have a local farmers market that i walk to regularly in the summer, but even that is only a marginal saving compared to the local grocery stores.
Even stir fry. A bag of frozen stir fry mix at Kroger costs $1.79 here. Just a single bell bepper costs 79¢.
He meant automatically issued id. You can ask for various forms of identification documents, but you arent given one just for living somewhere.
The federal government isn’t in charge of elections, your state and county are. There is zero reason that you shouldn’t automatically be registered to vote whenever you get a driver’s license or register for any sort of ID
That is absolutely not the consensus on the region N-K, it’s pretty much universally recognized as a breakaway state if Azerbaijan. Armenian has just had Russia enforrcing the status quo for the past 20 years, but now Russia is busy so Azerbaijan is enforcing the internationally recognized border.
I think that was a signing bonus, not an annual salary.
I’ve stipped using dab pens in favor of a one hitter and making my own edibles. I live in a medical state with a recreational state less only an hour away so i’m not worried about my carts being sketchy, but they make it way too easy to get way too baked.
I’m 100% never going to download an app for a restaurant. I atopped getting my free World Series Taco from Taco Bell the year they required the app.